
Hello… It’s me! (LOL)

Well, hello there. We meet again. *Giggle* Where has the time gone? I can’t believe I haven’t posted since January! Shame on me. But in my defense, I started a new job and spend most of my time in my car commuting, at work, doing homework, being a mom, or sleeping. (Somewhere in there I shower, do laundry, and eat.) I’m running myself ragged and I can feel my autoimmune disorder starting to flare up… I’ll slow down either on my own or my body will shut down again. Hopefully, it’s the first one. 🙂


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia refers to the phobia or fear of long words. Feelings of shame or fear of ridicule for mispronouncing long words may cause distress or anxiety.”



I jumped on the bandwagon a few weeks ago but never really promoted my link. I wasn’t sure how to go about doing it or what content to post. Idea???



#BuyMeACoffee #Author #BusinessLady #OldLadyOfSocialMedia #OldLadyShenanigans

My universal author page link:

Well, until next time, Lovelies!

Happy Reading & XoXo,

S.E. Isaac/Cookie

P.S. A new book podcast is coming soon.

Keeping it Real…

Group Home

My son moved back in with me a few months ago because the group home he was in was NOT a good fit. With him being there, it was giving me more gray hair and killing my mental health; however, searching for a new group home has had the same effect. My mental health plummeted drastically. I was not in a good place for a while. I felt like the world was caving in on me. Thankfully, I pulled myself out.

Today, I received a call from a group home near Dallas and they would LOVE for my son to join them! I nearly cried. After contacting over 50 group homes, I finally had good news. This group home was actually my top pick but I hadn’t heard from them so I gave up. The universe decided to shine some light down on my darkened path and I couldn’t be happier!

Fitness Journey

I am happy to announce that I am under 250! Wow. Did I just say that out loud to a bunch of people I don’t know? Yes. Yes, I did! No shame in my game. I am super proud of myself. I have been counting calories and doing 60-minute cardio three times a week. I couldn’t lift because of an arm injury but I recently learned substitute exercises that are helping tone the flabby chicken wings! Super excited about that.

As you see in the pictures, the elliptical machine and my protein/slim fast shake have become my best friends. On occasion, I do growl & hiss at them. (ha!) No pain, no gain… in theory.


Did you miss the post about me returning to college? Yes. You read that right. My old behind took the plunge. It has always been my dream to be able to say “I have a bachelor’s degree”. I had to stop years ago for personal reasons but decided to go for it again. I most likely won’t use it… or maybe I will. Time will tell. For right now, I am just enjoying being able to say “I’m a college student!”

My first class was supposed to be Statistics which sounded like Snooze-Fest. Thankfully, it is Composition II! Right up my alley! (insert happy dance)

By the way, my major is… (drum roll)… psychology. So, maybe one day I’ll be able to charge you guys for the advice I give! (Ha! just kidding. XoXo)


How’s my dating life going? I’m just going to leave these screenshots of things I posted on social media right here (sums it up)…


In case you don’t follow me on social media or missed one of my last blogs, I have decided to move abroad with my youngest (13) son. We were going to move to China or Korea; however, we are now going to head to Costa Rica for a few months. This may change but for now, it is Costa Rica. Low cost of living, great reviews from family and friends, and is rich in culture which is something I really want my youngest to experience.

I have been studying Spanish for 60+ days straight. I was feeling pretty confident until the Spanish radio station I listen to almost every day had a talking segment this morning and… I only caught a few words here and there. I’m just going to carry a notebook and pen with me and have people write down what they’re saying. I read Spanish better than I do listening & understanding it. Ha. Ha.


Only 11 more days until I go on my first cruise with my bestie A.K.A. my beautiful mother. (fun fact: eleven is one of my lucky numbers!) We are sooooo ready to set sail. I haven’t had a real vacation without the kids in years. Feels like a lifetime.

I am super excited. Originally, I was nervous because I didn’t feel ‘pretty enough’ to go on a cruise but I decided to let those feelings go. I am way too hard on myself. I keep comparing myself to others and I need to stop doing that & just enjoy life. 🙂


(Click each cover to learn more and/or buy a copy.)

Insane Friday!

Hey, Lovelies! Aloha Friday!
Maaaan! My Friday started rough. I woke up to my alarm, hit snooze, and not even a minute later, I was woken up by a phone call from a Harris County Deputy, informing me that my son had run away from the group home. He has GPS on his phone so I was able to locate him fast, but talk about heart attack central! Then I go to get up out of bed, feel a sharp pain in my Achilles and nearly fall flat on my face! (<Insert> eye roll)

I finally get out the door to head to the gym. (Mom is driving us in her new ride) And… I forgot my fanny pack which has my gym membership card and earphones in it!!! I cannot workout without music on, drowning out the loud, self-entitled, gym peeps. I was willing to sacrifice my sanity so Mom wouldn’t be late for her water aerobics class. She ends up turning around for me and we get behind every slow person that lives in this county. (<Insert> another eye roll)

The gym is finally knocked out despite the pain in my shoulder (going on week seven or so) and my Achilles’ pain. I felt a lot better mentally, but of course, life is not done with me! Ugh. Needless to say, I’m surprised I got my latest podcast recorded, edited, and published. Y’all wish me luck. I think life is about to jump out from behind the couch, yelling, “Finish her!”

The books mentioned in Episode Ten of my Cookie Jar Unleashed Book Podcast are listed below. ((There’s a special surprise at the very bottom of the list! MUAH!))

Title of BookAuthor Name or AnthologyGenreNew Release PreOrderPriceLink
Texas HeartBlue Crescent Books AnthologiesGay Cowboy RomancePaperback out now. Ebook releases June 25th.$4.99 ebook $12.99 paperback
RebirthJ. Truesdell & Michelle SavagePNRNew Release$2.99 ebook
WychEdward RollinsContemporary FantasyAvailable Now$3.99 ebook $14.99 paperback
Cuffs and Cuddles: A Charity Romance AnthologyChaShiree M., D. Williams, M.K. Moore, Cameron Hart, Euryia Larsen, Jaycee Wolfe, Jessa Aarons, Josette Reuel, Naomi Porter, Reina TorresRomancePreorder September 1, 2023$3.99 ebook
Getting Witchy With It 2023 Anthology Book 9RL Dean, Lucia Catherine, Melinda Valentine, Nikki Leigh, Haley Rhoades, Josette Reuel, Roux Cantrell, Tami Payton, Bethany Loughlin-FrostMulti-GenrePreorder. July 22, 2023$3.99 ebook
Something MoreGreer RylieContemporary RomancePreorder October 15,2023$2.99
Dragon CravedScarlett WestPNRAvailable Now$0.99
The Alpha and his WitchJ.TruesdellPNRPreorder Aug 23$2.99 ebook
The Soul HealerB. GrovesUrban FantasyAvailable Now2.99
Fight Like A Girl Cancer Charity AnthologyCrystal St.Clair & multi-authorssmall town rom-com (multi-genres)Pre-order for October 17$4.99USD/$6.99CND (all proceeds to cancer research in Canada and USA)
Unexpected TidesCrystal St.Clairsmall town rom-comSummer Read/ stand alone in a multi-author series$3.99
Dangerous AffairsJ. Truesdell & S.E. IsaacMafia RomancePreorder/Releases July 31$1.99

A lot of hustle… ugh!

Hey, Lovelies!

Sooooo much hustle going on today. I am whipped. I went to the gym and lifted & did 30 minutes on the Elliptical. (original goal was more than 10 minutes) Then I ran errands with Mom. The good ole Wally World. I bought stuff to make Korean beef bulgogi. (currently marinating in the garage refrigerator.)

Once I had dinner prepped, I started working on a surprise Halloween series! Made a cover while my good friend made the logo. Then I bs’d a series and book blurb & uploaded it to KDP so now I wait to see if they’ve accepted my preorder and series page

I am super exhausted. Did I mention that yet? (HA!)

I logged into my Spotify account where I upload my Book Podcast and nearly cried. My numbers are super low. Like… embarrassing low. I’d like to get them to 100 followers. Would love it if you’d support me by listening to my podcast, hitting like, leaving a comment, and/or following me. If you share it with your friends and family, I’ll send you extra cyber kisses! (HA! HA! Ha!)

So… how’s your Monday going? 🙂



Technology on Earth

Why do pictures taken of the night sky look like something out of the National Inquiry, when they’ve spotted “Big Foot“? However, my selfies hone in on every blemished pore on my face? I want NASA’s camera to take pictures of the moon. Is that too much too ask?


I am so ashamed that I have neglected my blog since November 7th! (O-M-G!) Where have I been? Oh, wait. I’ve been busy working on my next two books. I cannot wait to share them with you.

Image result for happy new year motivation

With the new year here, I’d like to wish you all the best in the days to come. You are amazing and can do anything you set your mind to! Remember that always.

Love Always,


❤ ❤ ❤

The Movement of Music

Happy Wednesday, Lovelies!

Today’s blog is going to be different from the ones that I have done in the past. For those of you who have been following me for a while, know that I suffer from extreme depression, anxiety, and have battled with the thoughts of suicide for years. Before I was able to get the mental health help that I needed, I had to find other ways to battle the demons. One of those things that helped (and still helps me) was music in a variety of forms. The artist Pink was one of the most influential artists to pull me through my years. No matter where I found myself, if I was having a breakdown, tears and all, I would start singing one of her songs to myself. Letting my emotions out with each note that I sang. Her music pulled me through a lot of dark times. 

My baby cousin, Crystal, has her dark days as well. Whenever she is feeling down, I’m always suggesting that she listens to music. Her go-to man is Brenden Urie of Panic of the Disco. I’m usually teasing her about her obsession, but honestly, her love for Panic of the Disco is just like my love for the artist Pink. 

I asked her to email me what has made her happy lately so I could blog it. (She is a serious entertainment nut, but refuses to do a blog or vlog, like I suggest so I’m doing it for her. lol) This is what she emailed me:


“Something that has made me somewhat happy is that I have seen a lot of good things happening with the band panic at the disco. Whether it has been an amazing shows while touring, Brendon Urie(the front man) partnering with state farm to give back to the community, new music, covering songs etc.

I got to see the band live for the first time in July and it was amazing. Brendon’s vocal range is amazing and he always sounds great live. The energy from the crowd, him and the band mates were just amazing. He truly cares about his fans even though he doesn’t know every single one of them. It was the best concert I been too in a while. 

I’ve been a fan of panic for years and the music has helped me through hard times. Even though Brendon is only the remaining member from the original group, i’m proud how far he has come etc.

And the two new touring members get a chance to get themselves known.”

-Crystal B.




Photo Source: Crystal B.


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Does music move you the same way for the same reason? Or maybe there is something else that helps get your through your darkest hours? Whatever it is, I’m glad that you have it. We all need the special something to help us. If you ever find yourself needing a someone to talk to, I’m always here. Just send me a message. I’ll be your shoulder to lean on or cry on. In this together! ❤

Happy Wednesday! Do Great Things! I Appreciate you!





Dear Teachers, I have something to say…

See the source image


Dear Teachers,

I have something to say to ALL of you. Brace yourself because this is the brutal truth. I just want to say ‘thank you’ for all of the hard work you do. I become so stressed helping my eight-year-old with his homework. I’d much rather round up a 100 cats and teach them how to juggle. I think it would be easier. You all are amazing! I don’t know how you do it. And you do it five days a week while getting paid less than what you deserve. You all are superheroes. You deserve recognition more than once a year which is Teacher Appreciation Day. No. You should be getting recognized daily! In case no one has told you, today, you are amazing and a superhero.





L-O-V-E Lady Gaga

I suffer from severe depression and anxiety (among other things). It isn’t easy to admit that to society; however, I have learned to not fear what others might say about my mental health disorders. There was a time when I felt that I could be ‘normal’. That I didn’t need to take medication. That was probably one of my worse ideas ever! It nearly cost me everything including my life. Never again. If being on medication means I get to stay alive, then so be it. I am who I am. I will always be who I am. 

Yes, I take medication. Yes, I have a psychiatrist. Yes, I have a psychologist. Yes…I am me.

A book with a cause

With all the negative stuff going on in the world, the authors of A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat are happy to announce some positive news. The anthology price has been change and ALL (Yes, ALL!) of the proceeds will be donated to the wonderful organization Wounded Warrior Project.

If you are unfamiliar as to who & what the Wounded Warrior Project is, please, take a look at their website: Wounded Warrior Project Homepage Link


See the source image


Link to Purchase the Anthology



Book Final AprilA collection of ten never before published paranormal romance tales about strong females who struggle to hold on to their scaredy “cat” males. This anthology is full of steamy hijinks that might just melt your eReader.

Follow these lynx, panthers, jaguars, lions, tigers, witches, cu-sith, and familiars as they find love when they’re least expecting it.

**All proceeds are being donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.**




A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat

Caught by Love by Josette Reuel
Distracted by a bad mane day and haywire magic, Laith forgot to hide from love.

A Roar of Her Own by S.E. Isaac
No place to hide, when she’s on the prowl to find love.

Changing His Spots by Catherine Bowman
She captures his unwilling heart with her spirit and her camera.

Hunter’s Moon by Romarin Demetri
Autumn should never have let him go.

Kenya and Her King by Crystal St. Clair
A king only bows down to his queen.

Snowbound by A.M. Cosgrove
He likes the quiet of the woods. She’s looking for some peace of her own. Will they be able to survive the storm that is threatening their solitude?

An Unwanted Rescue by Adalaine Rose
An unwanted rescue breeds an unwanted love.

Herding Cats by Edward Blackwood
Some cats just leave mice on the doorstep, he brought her a whole clowder of trouble.

Tamed by Laura Stapleton
Only the queen of hearts can tame this king of the beasts.

Pride & Flamboyance by S. E. Isaac & Josette Reuel
Ruffled feathers and a wild mane can’t stop love

Buy a Copy Today



Happy Reading & XoXo,
