Tag Archive | spotify

Book Podcast Alert

Another episode is out today! Give it a listen and get to know the amazing Terry Hooker. And as always, sharing is caring so be sure to share the link with your friends, family, and even the crazy cat lady next door. 🙂


S.E. Isaac/Cookie


  1. Clio and the Missing God A Tales from Forgotten Gods Story by Terry Hooker https://a.co/d/bBH2HWr
  2. Texas HeartBlue Crescent Books Anthologies⁠ https://mybook.to/TexasHeatAnthology⁠
  3. Rebirth by J. Truesdell & Michelle Savage⁠ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BMGYTL4R⁠
  4. Wych by Edward Rollins ⁠https://www.amazon.com/Wych-Coal-Mountain-Edward-Rollins/dp/B0C87BVYGK⁠
  5. Cuffs and Cuddles: A Charity Romance Anthology ⁠https://www.amazon.com/Cuffs-Cuddles-Charity-Romance-Anthology-ebook/dp/B0C7SQK26T⁠
  6. Getting Witchy With It 2023 Anthology Book 9 ⁠https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Witchy-2023-Anthology-Book-ebook/dp/B0C7P6QDMK⁠
  7. Something More by Greer Rylie⁠ www.amazon.com/dp/B0BS1PJX2Z⁠
  8. Dragon Craved by Scarlett West ⁠https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BW19W2XX⁠
  9. The Alpha and his Witch by J.Truesdell ⁠https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C913K37F⁠
  10. The Soul Healer by B. Groves ⁠https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TVQT19G⁠
  11. Fight Like A Girl Cancer Charity Anthology ⁠https://geni.us/FightLikeAGirl⁠
  12. Unexpected Tides by Crystal St.Clair ⁠https://books2read.com/u/3k6g16⁠
  13. Dangerous Affairs by J. Truesdell & S.E. Isaac⁠ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C9252FTZ⁠
  14. Rebuilding Love by S.E. Isaac ⁠https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQW1WNJM⁠

A lot of hustle… ugh!

Hey, Lovelies!

Sooooo much hustle going on today. I am whipped. I went to the gym and lifted & did 30 minutes on the Elliptical. (original goal was more than 10 minutes) Then I ran errands with Mom. The good ole Wally World. I bought stuff to make Korean beef bulgogi. (currently marinating in the garage refrigerator.)

Once I had dinner prepped, I started working on a surprise Halloween series! Made a cover while my good friend made the logo. Then I bs’d a series and book blurb & uploaded it to KDP so now I wait to see if they’ve accepted my preorder and series page

I am super exhausted. Did I mention that yet? (HA!)

I logged into my Spotify account where I upload my Book Podcast and nearly cried. My numbers are super low. Like… embarrassing low. I’d like to get them to 100 followers. Would love it if you’d support me by listening to my podcast, hitting like, leaving a comment, and/or following me. If you share it with your friends and family, I’ll send you extra cyber kisses! (HA! HA! Ha!)

So… how’s your Monday going? 🙂



Spilling the book tea!

Well… it was definitely a struggle! I went LIVE on TikTok and then at the same time went LIVE on YouTube. Things were fairly quiet in the audience (but HUGE thank you to those who were there and participated!!!). Then I attempted to do my podcast on my usual platform and… everything went to hell! (insert eye roll) It glitched twice halfway through. I nearly cried the seconds time. This was supposed to be a video podcast. Well, once it all went to hell in a handbasket, I switched to my original method, where it all began. It was a lot more work to do but, Houston, we have lift off and… SUCCESS! I hope you enjoy this episode, it was definitely a struggle and a half!


Cookie/S.E. Isaac


Busy Bee… Book/Podcast Life

Ugh. Life is like a raggedy rollercoaster that I can’t get off of and I’m blindfolded. Is anyone else feeling like this or is it just me? Things that make you say hmmm.

I’ve been keeping my head afloat, but I can’t lie, it’s been super hard. My son with mental health issues has been having a lot of psychotic episodes and it makes it hard for me to do anything. I am mentally, physically, and spiritually drained. My stress hives have been coming in full force as well as my autoimmune flare-ups kicking my butt.

Oh, well. The show must go on. 🙂

In other news, I knocked out a swag order for the amazingly talented Andi Lynn. She’s such a doll. I’ve also sold a few covers and gotten two more swag orders so I’ll be getting all of that done within the next week or two. I am trying to pace myself with swag, cover design, writing, promoting, and P.A.’ing; however, I’m not very good at pacing myself. I’m stuck in ‘hurry up and get it done’ mode. I blame the Army for that mentality. Although, they did ‘hurry up and wait’ so I guess I should be more specific about which part of the Army I blame. (HA!) ((I blame Iraq and Afghanistan.))

My book podcast has been well-received and I am so blessed & excited about it. Starting a podcast was a dream and now it’s a reality. I have two episodes out already and have four more lined up. One will be coming out this weekend.

Two links but go to the same book podcast.

Spotify/Anchor: https://anchor.fm/se-isaac

Spreaker iHeart: https://www.spreaker.com/show/cookie-jar-unleashed

This weekend I will be an author at Luv-a-Palooza. I am ecstatic about this. This will be my first virtual book event! The coordinators have gone all out on this. Click the link to see just how much effort they’ve put into this event. Once you see the greatness, be sure to grab your tickets because I’d love to see you there! (SMILE) https://luv-22.live/SEI

#LuvAPalooza #RomanceReadersExtravaganza

If you are still reading, SURPRISE! My cover reveal of the latest series I am part of Seasons of Love. A four-book collection. All standalones.

Pre-Order Link: https://books2read.com/u/m2en5d