Tag Archive | college

Keeping it Real…

Group Home

My son moved back in with me a few months ago because the group home he was in was NOT a good fit. With him being there, it was giving me more gray hair and killing my mental health; however, searching for a new group home has had the same effect. My mental health plummeted drastically. I was not in a good place for a while. I felt like the world was caving in on me. Thankfully, I pulled myself out.

Today, I received a call from a group home near Dallas and they would LOVE for my son to join them! I nearly cried. After contacting over 50 group homes, I finally had good news. This group home was actually my top pick but I hadn’t heard from them so I gave up. The universe decided to shine some light down on my darkened path and I couldn’t be happier!

Fitness Journey

I am happy to announce that I am under 250! Wow. Did I just say that out loud to a bunch of people I don’t know? Yes. Yes, I did! No shame in my game. I am super proud of myself. I have been counting calories and doing 60-minute cardio three times a week. I couldn’t lift because of an arm injury but I recently learned substitute exercises that are helping tone the flabby chicken wings! Super excited about that.

As you see in the pictures, the elliptical machine and my protein/slim fast shake have become my best friends. On occasion, I do growl & hiss at them. (ha!) No pain, no gain… in theory.


Did you miss the post about me returning to college? Yes. You read that right. My old behind took the plunge. It has always been my dream to be able to say “I have a bachelor’s degree”. I had to stop years ago for personal reasons but decided to go for it again. I most likely won’t use it… or maybe I will. Time will tell. For right now, I am just enjoying being able to say “I’m a college student!”

My first class was supposed to be Statistics which sounded like Snooze-Fest. Thankfully, it is Composition II! Right up my alley! (insert happy dance)

By the way, my major is… (drum roll)… psychology. So, maybe one day I’ll be able to charge you guys for the advice I give! (Ha! just kidding. XoXo)


How’s my dating life going? I’m just going to leave these screenshots of things I posted on social media right here (sums it up)…


In case you don’t follow me on social media or missed one of my last blogs, I have decided to move abroad with my youngest (13) son. We were going to move to China or Korea; however, we are now going to head to Costa Rica for a few months. This may change but for now, it is Costa Rica. Low cost of living, great reviews from family and friends, and is rich in culture which is something I really want my youngest to experience.

I have been studying Spanish for 60+ days straight. I was feeling pretty confident until the Spanish radio station I listen to almost every day had a talking segment this morning and… I only caught a few words here and there. I’m just going to carry a notebook and pen with me and have people write down what they’re saying. I read Spanish better than I do listening & understanding it. Ha. Ha.


Only 11 more days until I go on my first cruise with my bestie A.K.A. my beautiful mother. (fun fact: eleven is one of my lucky numbers!) We are sooooo ready to set sail. I haven’t had a real vacation without the kids in years. Feels like a lifetime.

I am super excited. Originally, I was nervous because I didn’t feel ‘pretty enough’ to go on a cruise but I decided to let those feelings go. I am way too hard on myself. I keep comparing myself to others and I need to stop doing that & just enjoy life. 🙂


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