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Mafia Romance Blog

Hey, Lovelies! Happy Sunday. I hope your weekend was amazing and that tomorrow will be even better for you. Below you’ll find my mafia romance reads (all but one). If you click the “blue lettering” (hyperlink), it will take you to the respective page.


S.E. Isaac

P.S. As always, sharing is caring so feel free to share my blog and/or book(s) links.

My books “Claimed by the Taurus” (written under my S.E. Isaac pen name) and “Chased by the Leo” (written under my Claudia Stevens) are both in the amazing Spicy Astrology Series. This was such a great series. I really enjoyed the group of authors and the fabulous coordinator, Kelsie Calloway!

Series Link:

Both of my books are on Kindle Unlimited and are fast-paced mafia romance reads. Come to think of it ALL of my mafia romance books are quick reads. I don’t like to drag things out. Even in my dark romance mafia reads, which I’ll mention below, they are the same way.

Dangerous Affair” was a fun co-write with my dear friend J. Truesdell. I always love it when I’m able to write dark with lots of bad guys and a sexy mob boss (Marco). This book is in Kindle Unlimited, but not for long. It leaves KU on October 28th.

Vanished in Vegas” is the book that started my love for writing mafia romances. It is part of the standalone series Vanished, which was coordinated with my beautiful friend Alana Winters. Who wouldn’t want to be kidnapped by a sexy mob boss & get their happily ever after?

The Made Daughter” was the second mafia romance book I published. It is literally the sister book to “Vanished in Vegas”. The middle sister’s book is “Vanished in Vegas” and the older sister’s story is “The Made Daughter”.

But, we can’t have The Romano Sisters without the baby sister and her story– “The Hitman’s Rose“. This book is part of the standalone series Flower of the Month, which apparently is no longer an official series because when I went to grab the link, the series was gone from Amazon. I guess the coordinator pulled it? Guess I should remove the series from my Amazon page. (HA!)

If you prefer to read buy one book with all three sister books in it, “The Romano Sisters” is available for purchase. 🙂

2000+ FREE romance ebooks

I am part of a promotion where there are over 2,000 FREE books! Be sure to download them all today. My book in this event is “Gerald’s Wish by S.E. Isaac”



FREE reads galore!


Lots of FREEBIES (books) within my newsletter! Don’t miss out and check it out. If you honor me by subscribing to my newsletter, I promise to never SPAM you with them. (I also hate being spammed!)


#Books #Romance #SEIsaac #Newsletter #Readers #Mailchimp


My 31% off promo is still going on! Don’t miss out and head to my Etsy page to find your next book cover. 🙂 Use promo code 31CODE at checkout.

Big Things Coming…


Something big is coming in six days! Make sure you don’t miss out and subscribe to my newsletter today. I won’t ever spam you because, honestly, I hate when people spam me!!! No one has time for that! LOL

And… another one

Hey, Lovelies! I am still away on vacation. We just had a great family BBQ at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. Was able to catch up with so many people who I haven’t seen in years. It was really nice. I will post pictures soon. I have some up on my social media accounts because it is easier to post on there, but I’ll get some uploaded here on my blog soon!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my FREE book, Maid to Desire! (Part of a standalone series so you can read this book by itself) I am trying to give away 1k FREE copies so feel free to tell your friends & family about my free read. 🙂 I reached 1k FREE books given away of my Claimed by the Taurus! Thank you so much for helping me reach my goal!


Book Podcast Alert

Another episode is out today! Give it a listen and get to know the amazing Terry Hooker. And as always, sharing is caring so be sure to share the link with your friends, family, and even the crazy cat lady next door. 🙂


S.E. Isaac/Cookie


  1. Clio and the Missing God A Tales from Forgotten Gods Story by Terry Hooker
  2. Texas HeartBlue Crescent Books Anthologies⁠⁠
  3. Rebirth by J. Truesdell & Michelle Savage⁠⁠
  4. Wych by Edward Rollins ⁠⁠
  5. Cuffs and Cuddles: A Charity Romance Anthology ⁠⁠
  6. Getting Witchy With It 2023 Anthology Book 9 ⁠⁠
  7. Something More by Greer Rylie⁠⁠
  8. Dragon Craved by Scarlett West ⁠⁠
  9. The Alpha and his Witch by J.Truesdell ⁠⁠
  10. The Soul Healer by B. Groves ⁠⁠
  11. Fight Like A Girl Cancer Charity Anthology ⁠⁠
  12. Unexpected Tides by Crystal St.Clair ⁠⁠
  13. Dangerous Affairs by J. Truesdell & S.E. Isaac⁠⁠
  14. Rebuilding Love by S.E. Isaac ⁠⁠

Spilling the book tea!

Well… it was definitely a struggle! I went LIVE on TikTok and then at the same time went LIVE on YouTube. Things were fairly quiet in the audience (but HUGE thank you to those who were there and participated!!!). Then I attempted to do my podcast on my usual platform and… everything went to hell! (insert eye roll) It glitched twice halfway through. I nearly cried the seconds time. This was supposed to be a video podcast. Well, once it all went to hell in a handbasket, I switched to my original method, where it all began. It was a lot more work to do but, Houston, we have lift off and… SUCCESS! I hope you enjoy this episode, it was definitely a struggle and a half!


Cookie/S.E. Isaac


Find your next favorite read…

Hey, Lovelies. My latest newsletter went out. It is sweet and to the point. I don’t believe in wasting time; just handing over the goods to ya! (LOL)

Newsletter Link: (Feel free to share the link with your friends & family who love books)

Sorry to keep this blog so short but I’m off to work on my next book, which is a mafia romance and releases in July. It is up for preorder now.