A Little of This & That…

Hello, Lovelies!

Happy Tuesday. I hope you’re having an amazing day. Mine is a bit of Crap, but it has become the norm. That’s what happens when you deal with your own mental health disorders and have a child who has even more mental health disorders. #SingleMomProblems

On a happier note, A Djinn’s Love is doing very well in ebook stores. Thank you to everyone who has bought a copy. This book was a lot of fun to write. It was nice to have a setting in Egypt and a paranormal being that isn’t common in PNR these days– a Djinn!


I am very happy to be writing with Josette Reuel again. However, I do think we have a writing problem… no, like a legit writing problem. We had five books in progress, were talking, made a joke, and now we have book six in the works! ha!

Find her books here: https://books2read.com/ap/RWjJqm/Josette-Reuel

Another co-writer who keeps me on my toes is J. Truesdell. She and I had lots of fun writing our dark mafia romance book Dangerous Affair. We are looking forward to writing book 2!

Find more of J. Truesdell’s books here: https://books2read.com/ap/8vpJoq/J-Truesdell

Releasing in a few days is my book Doomed. It is a Zom-Com. Yep. You read that right. It is a Zombie-Comedy. A Zomedy! (I’m going to copyright this word.) There’s horror too but my life has enough horror in it so I needed some laughs.

Preorder today & read Halloween: https://books2read.com/doomed/

I have lots of new books coming soon to my newsletter and not just my own books. Lots of books from authors you may or may not have heard of. (Whispers, “Lots of FREEBIES too!”)

Want an incentive to sign up for my book newsletter?

Sign up and get a free mafia romance read. (Book One of my Romano Sisters.)


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