Tag Archive | Wounded Warrior Project

A book with a cause

With all the negative stuff going on in the world, the authors of A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat are happy to announce some positive news. The anthology price has been change and ALL (Yes, ALL!) of the proceeds will be donated to the wonderful organization Wounded Warrior Project.

If you are unfamiliar as to who & what the Wounded Warrior Project is, please, take a look at their website: Wounded Warrior Project Homepage Link


See the source image


Link to Purchase the Anthology



Book Final AprilA collection of ten never before published paranormal romance tales about strong females who struggle to hold on to their scaredy “cat” males. This anthology is full of steamy hijinks that might just melt your eReader.

Follow these lynx, panthers, jaguars, lions, tigers, witches, cu-sith, and familiars as they find love when they’re least expecting it.

**All proceeds are being donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.**




A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat

Caught by Love by Josette Reuel
Distracted by a bad mane day and haywire magic, Laith forgot to hide from love.

A Roar of Her Own by S.E. Isaac
No place to hide, when she’s on the prowl to find love.

Changing His Spots by Catherine Bowman
She captures his unwilling heart with her spirit and her camera.

Hunter’s Moon by Romarin Demetri
Autumn should never have let him go.

Kenya and Her King by Crystal St. Clair
A king only bows down to his queen.

Snowbound by A.M. Cosgrove
He likes the quiet of the woods. She’s looking for some peace of her own. Will they be able to survive the storm that is threatening their solitude?

An Unwanted Rescue by Adalaine Rose
An unwanted rescue breeds an unwanted love.

Herding Cats by Edward Blackwood
Some cats just leave mice on the doorstep, he brought her a whole clowder of trouble.

Tamed by Laura Stapleton
Only the queen of hearts can tame this king of the beasts.

Pride & Flamboyance by S. E. Isaac & Josette Reuel
Ruffled feathers and a wild mane can’t stop love

Buy a Copy Today



Happy Reading & XoXo,



Okay. Which one of you lovelies wants to be my damn personal assistant or my children’s nanny? I need one of the two, but preferably both. Sigh.

Living with depression is such a drag. (literally) One minute you’re on top of the world. The next minute, you’re wanting to shove your head into a big thing of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. It’s like a very shitty rollercoaster. I love rollercoasters but this one is shitty. It is like it keeps stopping in the middle of the ride leaving me dangling upside down. Or it stops just as I’m in the middle of the fun drop. (Grrrr.) Either let me have the fun rollercoaster or let me the fuck off. Ya know? Ah. The life of me.


Moving on to better not so shitty topics (HA). The paranormal romance anthology that I am co-coordinating and an author in is kicking ass! It hasn’t released yet, but our FB page is hopping and the pre-orders are rolling in. It makes me smile. A portion of the proceeds is going to the Wounded Warrior Project! As a veteran, this just makes me smile ear to ear. Doing good always feels good. Right? 🙂

To pre-order your copy click this link: This link! 🙂

To join our fun & crazy Facebook Fan Page, click that link: That link 🙂

Don’t let the price of $2.99 scare you. You will be getting 10 paranormal romance stories with each story being 15-20k words in length! Hell, a lot of authors charge this price for just one story! So you are getting 10 for 1 🙂

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Be sure to tell your friends about our anthology and the cause we are supporting (Wounded Warrior Project). I would be forever grateful AND you can have as many cyber cookies as you’d like 😉


Happy Reading & XoXo,


You found it! My giveaway link! Click Here to Find the Goodies

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