Tag Archive | wake up

Survey says…

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I have become this! Maaaan! Where did my self-discipline go? I use to be so good at staying on tasks, sticking to schedules, and keeping motivated.

I don’t even know, if I can blame my excuse/blah mode on my depression. Is this just how I am now? Maybe it’s because I don’t work anymore or don’t have any friends around…SEE! More excuses. I haven’t worked since last September (due to my son) and I haven’t had a friend live near by since 2013! Sigh. I need to give myself a swift kick in the ass. Like seriously. This is becoming pathetic.

I need to make a schedule for myself. It feels weird to make one, since I don’t work, but I think this is going to be the ONLY way to get my ass back in gear. As long as I can stick to it…even if it’s at least sticking to it ‘somewhat’ with the hopes of one day sticking to it completely (LOL).

In other news…

Still not a famous author. Drats! I had hoped I’d become one by now. (HA!) Those who know me and/or my books, know that I HATE writing long books. When my books start reaching 50k words, I start thinking of ways to kill off all of the characters so I can end it. Which is awkward because I am a ROMANCE author. lol

However, I need to push past 50k. At least try to write another one again that is past 50k. I haven’t done it in a while…an enjoyed it. Time for change. Especially, since I notice that readers of romance seem to like LONGER books. I’m not sure why. Personally, as a reader of romance, longer becomes boring to me. This is probably why I don’t write long books.

What do you guys think? Any of you out there read romance? Do you like LONG stories or are you okay with a Novella. Not too long…not too short…and only $0.99 ?

Happy Reading & XoXo,



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