Tag Archive | teen

Head there right MEOW!

There are giveaway shenanigans to be had! Head over to my Facebook author page and find Mr. Burns with his mystery gift meme. Enter my giveaway My FB Author Page


THEN…head over to our paranormal romance anthology page & play the ‘hide and seek’ giveaway. Under some of the posts, there are giveaway links hidden! (SQUEEEEL!) Don’t miss out on a chance to win this little guy:




Anthology’s FB Page



Last but not least don’t forget that my baby, Bite of a Lierum, is available now! ❤ It is book 2, but books 1-4 in this series can be read out of order.The last two are sequential books. 🙂 ….oh, and this book is only $0.99 😉


**Genre: Paranormal Romance**


Happy Reading & XoXo’s,


❤ ❤ ❤

Release Day Has Arrived!

Happy Book Birthday to Bite of a Lierum! So glad to welcome this paranormal romance to the world. This series is so much fun ❤

Two more days…

February has been a nightmare, now even going to lie. With that, I say, “Goodbye, February! Hello, March!” March will be much better. So much is happening. One of the things that I am excited the most about is my new paranormal romance, Bite of a LierumIt is up for preorder now and releases March 1st! (See why March is going to be awesome? 🙂 )Bite of a Lierum is a sister to Kiss of a Vampire, which is part of the My Fated Valentine anthology until October 2018. Then it too will be a standalone book.

Both of these beauties are part of my Fates Intertwined Series. This series will be full of paranormal, romance, twists, and tales. Each book will be able to be read as a standalone except for the last two. Those books will be marked as such so no one is out of the loop ❤

Look through the slideshow to see more about Bite of a Lierum and Kiss of a Vampire.


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Purchase links:

Bite of a Lierum Link

‘Kiss of a Vampire’ (MFV anthology) link



Happy Reading & XoXo,



P.S. Sharing is caring, so tell a friend or two about my books! (Lots of cyber cookies, if you do 😉 )



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Pre-Order Available!

Hello, Lovelies! Happy Tuesday!

My series Fates Intertwined has been brought to life (insert mad scientist laugh). Kiss of a Vampire has entered the world via My Fated Valentine Anthology, which is available now on Amazon. Bite of a Lierum is my next creation that is available for preorder now & goes live (evil laugh) on March 1st!


Bite of a Lierum

Fate has a funny way of crossing the paths of those who are unlikely to meet on their own.

For years, Faith hunted the infected vampires refusing to give up until they no longer existed. Nothing else in life mattered to Faith. Her life was simply to see an end to the rogue vampires. However, Fate had different plans for Faith. This journey that she had chosen was leading her to another purpose in life.

The life Faith had chosen made her keep most beings away from her, except for a pack of Lierums. They had fought side by side in battles and in the end, an unexpected bond was formed. For once, she wasn’t alone, but there was only one problem. Within this pack of Lierums was Elijah. He was the only being who could ignite feelings within her that she never knew existed.

Faith is ready to flee to escape her feelings and Elijah is prepared to chase her. Will Fate be able to hold on to the reins with its plans for Faith and Elijah or will Faith slip through Fate’s hands?




Paranormal romance read by yours truly.

It goes live on Amazon March 1st.

Pre-Order Today!



Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

Parenting Solo

Parenting solo & there is no red solo cup involved! <Giant sad face>

So, hubby is still away to Samoa handling family matters, which means the kids are 24-7 under my care. On top of that! The schools here have been out for the past 5 days! And, on top of that! My son with the challenges (autism, mood disorder, and observed for Schizophrenia) is now going through med changes!!! My house has been a war zone. The calm before the storm never came. The storm just keeps coming over and over again. The raindrops are the size of kittens and my umbrella (mind) is filled with holes & frail.


That is me battling my son & his meltdowns


People often ask what my life is. That’s easy to explain: Get on a roller coaster blindfolded while you have a killer migraine and try to read a book. Yep! My life is crazy with a capital C. We have good moments (that’s when the roller coaster is going up) and I cherish those moments. However, we have bad moments (That’s when the roller coaster plumages towards the ground and you hope the roller coaster doesn’t derail)

Over the past weeks, due to med changes and med dosage changes, life has been exciting. That’s somewhat sarcastic. My son has been flipping out over the most ridiculous things. I have to walk on eggshells or deal with a pissed off 13-year-old with the strength of a bull on speed. Just yesterday, I didn’t walk on the eggshells, he got pissed off and went on a rampage, which included spitting in my face, calling me HORRID names and tossing his room. Yeah, that was fun. He did throw a few hits in. Mama bear came out then.

I have to remember that he does have special needs and that his body is under a lot of changes (puberty, med changes, etc.); however, it does not excuse his behavior! Verbally assaulting and/or physically assaulting someone is not acceptable. Due to his mindset (comprehensive), consequences vary. What works one day, might not work again for a few months. I have to take it in strides and be a flexible parent. I know there are so many parents/caregivers out there struggling with this day in and day out. Just know that you are not alone. ❤ ❤ ❤



Happy Reading and XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

Witty and Smart!

The paranormal romance anthology that I am co-coordinating and an author in is in full swing! I keep singing praise about the authors that I am getting to work with, but seriously, they are all amazing! I can’t get enough of them, their charm, and their writing! A great group of people to work with.

I was able to interview another one of these awesome-sauces- Edward Blackwood! He is such a great guy. Without telling you my thoughts on him, I will let him tell you himself 🙂



Where are you from? Do you have children? Pet? Married?

My wife and I are from Southern West Virginia, near the Virginia-Kentucky line. We have two incredible teenagets, twins who are soon off to college. The four of us cohabitate with a pair of giant Malamutes. 

Have you ever visited or lived abroad (overseas)? If so, where? Did you like it?

I have been to every continent except Australia. Yes, even Anarctica. I lived downtown prolong periods in Coasta Rica, Finland and Brazil. I really liked Heldinki.

Besides writing, what is your passion?

My kids.

Biggest pet peeve?

I have to pick one?

What genre do you write in? Do you read mostly in this genre too?

I read a broad spectrum of fiction and non-fiction, including sci-fi, fantasy, political thrillers and spy novels. But my absolute favorite genre is the early America crime novel. Raymond Chandler is my favorite. 

I write primarily Urban Fantasy. This is my first venture into Paranormal Romance.

What inspired you to write books?

A college English professor started it. It’s just taken a few years to get me to find the courage to publish.

If you could only have one book in your personal library, what would that book be? And why?

Only one… I think it would be some sort of Role Playong Game rule book. RPGs allow people a way to socialize and tell cooperative stories. And they’re a great excuse to eat pizza.

With the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, will your readers see a different writing style or do you always stick to the same writing style?

I think my voice remains pretty constant. At least as constant as it can.

Now for the fun stuff:

Are you a coffee or tea drinker (Which do you prefer)?

 Tea, unless the coffee is half hot chocolate.

What is one food/beverage that you could never give up?

I am a meat eater. So, steak.

Unicorn or Dragons- Which team would you be on?

Dragons! Unicorns are cute and all, but firey breath, armored skin, flight, genius intellect. Dragons all the way!

If a zombie apocalypse happened and you had to choose two items from the following list of items, which one would you choose and why?  Titanium baseball bat, running shoes, shotgun with two cases of shells, a novel by your favorite author, Samurai sword, a Knight’s armor suits, semi-truck filled with chocolate, or a puppy/kitten?

Now, this I’ve actually thought about. I have a zombie survival plan! Why? ‘Cause I can!
It’s presumed that noise will attract zombies, so I’ll pass on the shotgun. A katana takes some skill to use and they can be fragile. Give me combat boots over sneakers. Reading is a good way to center and escape, but you won’t likely be able to risk the distraction. Armor is noisy and requires maintenance. Puppies bark and both puppies and kittens are needy to s degree. 
So I will go with the baseball bat and semi-truck.

What is one silly, fun, or nerdy fact about you?

I met my wife playing a vampire themed role playing game.



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See, isn’t he witty, yet, carries himself well? Love it! I have chatted with him a few times & have been lucky enough to read what he has so far in his writing and….WOW! He is great with words. It’s like he paints with his words. I can’t wait for all of you to see his work!


Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

Pre-Order, Today! :)


Fate has a funny way of crossing the paths of those who are unlikely to meet on their own.

For years, Faith hunted the infected vampires refusing to give up until they no longer existed. Nothing else in life mattered to Faith. Her life was simply to see an end to the rogue vampires. However, Fate had different plans for Faith. This journey that she had chosen was leading her to another purpose in life.

The life Faith had chosen made her keep most beings away from her, except for a pack of Lierums. They had fought side by side in battles and in the end, an unexpected bond was formed. For once, she wasn’t alone, but there was only one problem. Within this pack of Lierums was Elijah. He was the only being who could ignite feelings within her that she never knew existed.

Faith is ready to flee to escape her feelings and Elijah is prepared to chase her. Will Fate be able to hold on to the reins with its plans for Faith and Elijah or will Faith slip through Fate’s hands?




99 Pennies! Releases March 1st! ❤

Pre-Order Link






❤ ❤ ❤

Spunk & Honesty!

One of the things I love about being in anthologies is that I get to meet authors, who I may have never met otherwise. With the current anthology that I am co-coordinating and an author in A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, has introduced me to some amazing authors! Such a great group of authors! ❤

I was able to chat it up with all of them. Learned lots about them. Learned the similarities and differences we had. Learned their likes and dislikes. Yet, another fun experience. So, without further ado, let’s meet an author of A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat anthology.


Where are you from? Do you have children? Pet? Married?

I am from London, Ontario by way of the Toronto area, where I was born and raised.  I like London much better.    I have 6 pets – a beta named Arthur Curry (Aquaman’s human name); an unnamed pleco; a very large half-Manx named Terror; a domestic long-haired cat named Luna (who is as crazy as her name suggests); a pouty, cranky, 6 year old Corgi-Finnish Spitz named Toffee, who looks like a small corn dog; and, finally, my 4 month old Corso-St Bernard-Rottie mix, Micky.  I’m training Micky to be a support dog for me; she’ll be a PTSD dog and physical support. 

I am not married anymore.  I walked out of an abusive marriage in 2005.  It was mutually abusive and I refused to allow my children to grow up thinking that it was okay for Mummy and Daddy to yell, scream, call each other names and beat on each other.  So I left and everyone has been much happier since.  My kids are now 22 and 18, both are well-adjusted, brilliant and driven.  I am, however, in the kind of relationship you find in a really good romance novel – the love is intense, overwhelming and deep; the sex makes me see stars ; he’s sweet, sexy, slightly geeky (and everyone will get to meet him at IYSAE); and, of course, there’s a complication.

Have you ever visited or lived abroad (overseas)? If so, where? Did you like it?

I got to go to Scotland in 2014!  It was a 40th birthday gift (which was in 2013) and I didn’t have to pay a single cent, except for the tattoo I got done in Glasgow, which was my gift to myself.

Scotland is a major part of my heritage and it was a lifelong dream to go.  I got to spend two whole weeks there (my friends really, really love me).  It was amazing!  I work with energy and so I not only got to see the history I got to feel it.  I would absolutely live there.  I hope to, some day.

Besides writing, what is your passion?

I have a couple:

  1. The people I love. I am driven to look after them as much as they look after me.
  2. Photography.  M just bought me an almost-DSLR! It’s a Kodak Easy Share Z981, a real softball in the world of digital cameras but still a huge step up from the Olympus D-700.  It’s a great camera to start learning how to use a DSLR on.  I’m stoked.
  3. And last, but not least, is the dream my daughter and I share, the reason I went back to school and she is attending the University of Guelph’s Bachelor’s of Bio-Resource Management Program:  our ranch.  One part of the ranch will be about rehabilitating injured and abused horses and the other part will a live-in camp (we’re hoping  a month at a time, maybe the summer for those who need it) for children who have been abused and are not being helped by the support the system offers.  Those children who cannot be reached.  I was one of those children.  Having some place where I could work with animals, make connections with other living creatures and learn that I could be loved and love in return… That’s what I’d like to offer other children.


Biggest pet peeve?

My ex-husband. *laughs*  We actually get along fairly well, now.

My biggest pet peeve is people with brains who don’t use them.  Those who are intelligent but act and speak with ignorance.


What genre do you write in? Do you read mostly in this genre too?

I write paranormal thrillers with a lot of romance and sex thrown in. I also write erotica, just for fun.  I tend to read a lot of paranormal – LKH, Kelley Armstrong, JR Ward and Kim Harrison are my favourites.


What inspired you to write books?

When I was in grade four, my class was challenged to write a short story without using the word “and”.  My teacher loved my story and I realized that I could affect people with my words.  I wrote off and on a little through my teens until my boyfriend (and first lover) insisted that I write out my fantasies for him.  They were the most trite pieces of drivel you have ever seen full of fireplaces, bear skin rugs and cabins in the woods but I continued to write and improve upon that embarrassment.  Then my stories started actually having character development and depth and I steered away from so much sex. A book was a challenge I set for myself.


If you could only have one book in your personal library, what would that book be? And why?

*gasp*  One book?!?  Can it be an anthology?  Actually, it is an anthology:   An Oxford Anthology of Shakespeare.  I absolutely love Shakespeare. If you talk to me often enough you will get peppered with Shakespearean references from direct quotes to oblique ones.  I’m on a (pretty much continuous) Messenger call with M right now and he said, “You want Shakespeare, don’t you?” *chuckles*


With the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, will your readers see a different writing style or do you always stick to the same writing style?

I tend to write in an open omnipresent third person – that means that you are getting the inner thoughts and seeing the lives of more than just the MC, so, for instance, you’ll be seeing the thoughts and lives of both Sarah and Mike, not just Sarah in my story. I was going to try to write in closed third person but I don’t like it as much.  (To be honest, I had one publisher say they’d be thrilled to publish Witch Hitlist I rewrote it in closed third person, only from Anna’s POV.  Pfft)  This story is going to be in my normal style, for sure.

And that was a roundabout way of getting to that answer.  Sorry, people!


Now for the fun stuff:

Are you a coffee or tea drinker (Which do you prefer)?

Tea.   If I do drink coffee, it’s gotta be light and sweet and preferably made light with hazelnut creamer.  By then, I don’t think it’s really coffee anymore eh?    Tea it is!  I own a dozen or so different ones.


What is one food/beverage that you could never give up?

Cheese.   I bet you expected that Ch sound to be the beginning of chocolate, didn’t ya?


Unicorn or Dragons- Which team would you be on?

Dragons.  All the way.


If a zombie apocalypse happened and you had to choose two items from the following list of items, which two would you choose and why?  Titanium baseball bat, running shoes, shotgun with two cases of shells, a novel by your favorite author, Samurai sword, a Knight’s armor suits, semi-truck filled with chocolate, or a puppy/kitten?

M says the bat and the puppy – the bat would last the longest without being loud or getting dull and the puppy would grow into a dog that would scent the zombies long before you.  And I have to agree, so yup, what he said. 

Nice chatting with you, S.E.Isaac!

Isn’t she awesome? I love her spunk & her honesty! Definitely, two things we have in common! ❤

To find out more about Catherine, her writing, her photos, and the work she’s doing with Micky check out her blogs: 
<Whispers> She is on social media too!
Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HighlandWolves

image book cover anthology

After following Catherine and all of her great pages, be sure to find her and the other authors on the anthology’s Facebook Fan Page. ❤

Image result for whisper
One more thing, before I go, do you like winning things for free? (Yes, I said, ‘Free’.) If so, be sure to enter the anthology’s Cover Reveal Event giveaway. There are three amazing prizes up for grabs!!!

Happy Monday, Happy Reading & XoXo,
❤ ❤ ❤

My life in a blender

Crazy title for this blog, right? It’s true. If you were to take the pieces of my life:

  • Being a mother
  • Being a mother to a child with autism, mood disorder, and early on-set Schizophrenia
  • Constantly getting texts or calls from the school regarding his behavior. He has paranoid early onset Schizophrenia with auditory illusions. The voices used to tell him to make good decisions. Now the voices tell him to make very bad decisions. I am constantly crying over this.
  • As though dealing with a special needs child wasn’t enough, I have to deal with myself who is a woman with anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. Extreme depression.
  • Being a fiance’ to a hardworking ironworker, who busts his ass all day so he is exhausted at night & just wants to relax (Kids don’t make that easy, so I get to play referee to ensure a fair fight in kids vs dad matchup)
  • Being an author, who apparently couldn’t sell her book, if her life depended on it (HA!…Seriously, crying)
  • Being a military veteran & military support civilian having crewed on helicopters from nearly a decade- my body is destroyed from missions, trainings, and such.
  • Being a woman in general & never feeling good enough.
  • The list goes on and on…these are just the quick jot downs

Image result for blender of emotions

We are all struggling with something in our lives. Life isn’t perfect. It wasn’t meant to be perfect. It was meant to help us grow. However, how much growth are we expected to do before life cuts us a break? Am I being selfish for wanting the my blender of a life to be turned off or at least turned to a lower setting? Thoughts?


Happy Reading & XoXo


Oh, Happy Monday by the way! ❤




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