Tag Archive | suicide

The Movement of Music

Happy Wednesday, Lovelies!

Today’s blog is going to be different from the ones that I have done in the past. For those of you who have been following me for a while, know that I suffer from extreme depression, anxiety, and have battled with the thoughts of suicide for years. Before I was able to get the mental health help that I needed, I had to find other ways to battle the demons. One of those things that helped (and still helps me) was music in a variety of forms. The artist Pink was one of the most influential artists to pull me through my years. No matter where I found myself, if I was having a breakdown, tears and all, I would start singing one of her songs to myself. Letting my emotions out with each note that I sang. Her music pulled me through a lot of dark times. 

My baby cousin, Crystal, has her dark days as well. Whenever she is feeling down, I’m always suggesting that she listens to music. Her go-to man is Brenden Urie of Panic of the Disco. I’m usually teasing her about her obsession, but honestly, her love for Panic of the Disco is just like my love for the artist Pink. 

I asked her to email me what has made her happy lately so I could blog it. (She is a serious entertainment nut, but refuses to do a blog or vlog, like I suggest so I’m doing it for her. lol) This is what she emailed me:


“Something that has made me somewhat happy is that I have seen a lot of good things happening with the band panic at the disco. Whether it has been an amazing shows while touring, Brendon Urie(the front man) partnering with state farm to give back to the community, new music, covering songs etc.

I got to see the band live for the first time in July and it was amazing. Brendon’s vocal range is amazing and he always sounds great live. The energy from the crowd, him and the band mates were just amazing. He truly cares about his fans even though he doesn’t know every single one of them. It was the best concert I been too in a while. 

I’ve been a fan of panic for years and the music has helped me through hard times. Even though Brendon is only the remaining member from the original group, i’m proud how far he has come etc.

And the two new touring members get a chance to get themselves known.”

-Crystal B.




Photo Source: Crystal B.


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Does music move you the same way for the same reason? Or maybe there is something else that helps get your through your darkest hours? Whatever it is, I’m glad that you have it. We all need the special something to help us. If you ever find yourself needing a someone to talk to, I’m always here. Just send me a message. I’ll be your shoulder to lean on or cry on. In this together! ❤

Happy Wednesday! Do Great Things! I Appreciate you!
