Tag Archive | shy

Dragons Stole My Heart!

Lately, I have been busy with project after project. I had started reading a book by Josette Reuel called Finding the Dragon (Dasreach Council Novel 1). I usually prefer not to read long books. This book has 364 pages. But honestly, before the end of the first chapter, I knew I wasn’t going to stop reading it. Or so I thought. I had to take a pause so that I could work on a project. I don’t like to read other books, while I am working on writing a current book of my own. So project after project goes by. This book is still sitting back on the shelf (e-shelf). Finally, I catch a break. Pick up the book and did NOT stop reading it until it was done! OMG! I feel robbed by life for not allowing me to read it sooner! Front to back this book is really good.

The storyline is unique in it’s own. There are 13 men, who have been fated a destiny. Kai Darrow is one with a fated destiny. He’s the complete package with handsome, being a gentleman and charming being the top three things to love about him. Did I mention he shifts into a dragon? Yes! A dragon! And, he definitely takes the reader on one hell of a ride!

Kai and his dragon’s destiny becomes to come true, when he crosses paths with Alvena Anderson. She is a lovable character as well. She reminds me of a younger me. The type who loves to read. (I still do) She isn’t as outspoken as most nor does she like to draw attention to herself.  Out of the readers/friends in Book Worms (that’s what they call themselves. A group of women from all over the world who read books, and chat about them & life online.

The Book Worms is what leads Alvena to the smoldering Kai and his dragon. Kai knows that she is the one- his mate. However, Alvena thinks otherwise. I mean, how would you react if your mini vacation ends up with bad guys chasing you and your friends down; big bad sexy men coming to your rescue; ending up having to split up with your friends; are on the run from some heavily armed bad guys; you’re on the run partner is a sexy stranger!?!?! Oh, and he can shift into a dragon, says that you are his mate, and that they needs her. Yeah. It was a whirlwind for Alvena too. I mean, wouldn’t you think you were dreaming or were under a serious heavy duty drug? The bad guys alone would have had me questioning my sanity.

Emotions run wild in this book. You can see the difference in emotions between Kai and Alvena. His confidence and her doubtful self. He is filled with love for her and she thinks he is nuts & just wants to go home.

Then we get to the best part (well, it’s actually all the ‘best part’ to be fair). The steaminess turns up in this book. Like makes a dragon’s breath feel like frostbite. A factor that I like about the author is how she controls the steaminess. Readers with different tastes of heat level in books can all appreciate the way it’s written in this book and enjoy them.

I could go on and on about this book. However, I would end up doing spoilers and that’s no fun for anyone.

I am off to read Accepting the Bear (Dasreach Council Novels Book 2).