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Rebranded PNR Series.

After lots of debating, I came to a HUGE decision on my paranormal romance series, Fates Intertwined. I have decided to rebrand under my pen name Roxy Ray. I am very excited to release paranormal books under Roxy Ray, especially this series. This series and storyline get me super excited. Like nerdy excited. (HA!)

The books can be read in any order and you won’t get lost. Enchantress’ Tale is labeled as book 3, but really you could start with that one then Kiss of a Vampire, and then Bite of a Lierum. But like I said, any order is fine until Book 4, Reflection of a Vampire, arrives (insert grin)

Kiss of a Vampire and Bite of a Lierum are 15k words; quick-reads. (in my mind) Enchantress’ Tale is 85k words and obviously, a longer read. (She’s my favorite. Shhhh. Don’t tell her sisters. Ha!) There were some hiccups with uploading Bite of a Lierum so as soon as the link is good to go, I will share it.

Kiss of a Vampire

Whispering Hills was Adrena’s only escape from the cruel world around her. The one place she could lose herself without a single care. That was until she came face-to-face with a being, who had glowing eyes and a wild spirit. His spirit called to her mind, body, and soul. She tries to fight the urge because it’s forbidden. They’re from two different worlds, but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t escape the way she feels towards him.

Will Adrena be able to let down her walls and accept what fate has put in front of her? Or will she escape and never look back?


Enchantress’ Tale

Since a child, Annaliese has always watched life from the shadows of the kingdom. Her existence was known to very few. Only those whom the queen trusted most knew of Annaliese and were able to see her. But they weren’t enough for Annaliese. She was lonely and felt like a caged bird within the castle’s walls.

While in the kingdom’s shadows, Annaliese’s path is crossed with Elder Li– the fiercest elder and warrior. From the first time she saw him, she has felt an unexplainable connection. He taunts her dreams when she sleeps and steals her breath away when she’s awake; however, she cannot act on her feelings, only admire him from afar.

When Annaliese is finally of age, King Theo calls for a meeting with the Council of Elders to reveal her to the elders and the rest of the kingdom. Annaliese must now come face to face with the man who makes her knees weak and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Will she be able to gain enough nerve to step into the light? Or will she remain in the shadows?


Bite of a Lierum

Faith has spent her years running from the past. She never dreamed she’d be fighting rogue vampires living a life of solitude. Her parents, her sisters, and the world around her were to blame. They forced her into this life and left her alone in this cruel dark world.

She has accepted this life and made it her own; however, life has one more twist to her tale. With her journey to Meldren, Faith will come to a fork in the road and have to make a decision that will change everything she has ever known.

Will Faith welcome what fate has to offer? Or will she run away and live out her days alone?


Pre-Orders Galore!

Mafia Romance $0.99 Pre-Order Alert! 

This book will be connected with 2 other books. Happy-Freaking-Dance!

#Preorder #JulyRelease #99Cents #FlowerOfTheMonthSeries #Romance #Vanished #HERmerta


💘Pre-Order Available Now for Only $0.99!💘

#BankingOnLove #ValentinesDay #Romance #CupidsCove #Love #InstaLove #PreOrder

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Et7u6S

Cover Reveal & Pre-Order Available Now!

A book with a great cause! ALL proceeds go to The American Heart Association.


#ForeverInMyHeart #Charity #AmericanHeartAssociation #Books #Love #Readers #PreOrder 

Pre-Order under my other pen name Claudia Stevens:

#99cents #EroticRomance #Romance #FastPaced #IslandLove #Island #ClaudiaIsMe

Paranormal Romance Series

Fates Intertwined Series


Kiss of a Vampire (Book 1)

Whispering Hills was Adrena’s only escape from the world around her. The one place she could lose herself without a single care. That was until Calleb crossed her path causing a ripple in the balances. One vampire, one Lierum and one fate…Love bites



Bite of a Lierum (Book 2)

Fate has a funny way of crossing the paths of those who are unlikely to meet on their own.

For years, Faith hunted the infected vampires refusing to give up until they no longer existed. Nothing else in life mattered to Faith. Her life was simply to see an end to the rogue vampires. However, Fate had different plans for Faith. This journey that she had chosen was leading her to another purpose in life. 

The life Faith had chosen made her keep most beings away from her, except for a pack of Lierums. They had fought side by side in battles and in the end, an unexpected bond was formed. For once, she wasn’t alone, but there was only one problem. Within this pack of Lierums was Elijah. He was the only being who could ignite feelings within her that she never knew existed.

Faith is ready to flee to escape her feelings and Elijah is prepared to chase her. Will Fate be able to hold on to the reins with its plans for Faith and Elijah or will Faith slip through Fate’s hands?



Enchantress’ Tale (Book 3)

Since a child, Annaliese has always watched life from the shadows of the kingdom. Her existence was known to very few. Only those whom the queen trusted most knew of Annaliese and were able to see her. But they weren’t enough for Annaliese. She was lonely and felt like a caged bird within the castle’s walls.

While in the shadows of the kingdom, Annaliese’s path is crossed with Elder Li, the fiercest elder, and warrior in the kingdom. Instantly, she feels an unexplainable connection to him and spends the next few years admiring him from afar.

When Annaliese is finally of age, King Theo calls for a meeting with the Council of Elders to reveal her to the elders and the rest of the kingdom. Annaliese must now come face to face with the man who makes her knees weak and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Will she be able to gain enough nerve to step into the light? Or will she remain in the shadows?



For Amazon links please go to my Amazon author page 🙂

S.E. Isaac Amazon Author Page



These books can be read as standalones. 

Happy Reading & XoXo,

S.E. Isaac


**Sharing is caring so tell your friends**



Some New Steam for the Bedroom

Jacqueline Knolls has always dreamed of traveling; however, life had always interfered with those dreams. When her boss gave her an assignment in Montana, she was over the moon with excitement. She was finally getting the chance to leave New York City.
Soon she finds herself in Mammoth Winters, Montana, on Calloway Ranch. How hard can it be to hang around for ten days, interview the owner, snap a few pictures and write an article on Calloway Ranch? Harder than Jacqueline thought.
Calloway Ranch isn’t owned by just anyone. It is owned by the very sexy Brent Calloway. The man who makes panties drop and hearts break. Will Jacqueline be able to keep her lust at bay, when sparks fly between her and Brent? Or will she give in to her desires and throw all professionalism out the window?



