Tag Archive | #paranormalromance

Forgot to title the blog, the first round. Oops

Little Red Ridinghood retold with eight big bad wolves! 😉

#Readers #ParanormalRomance #SciFi #FantasyRomance #ClassicFairytaleRetold #ReverseHarem #EroticRomance #Books


**Story is also found in the two-story collection, Once Upon a Star: Volume One**

Are you revved up?

Ginny’s Angels- https://books2read.com/u/mBGBjO

Bronte’s Angels- https://books2read.com/u/mKznGE

Ainsley’s Angels- https://books2read.com/u/4NXZ

Dulce’s Angels- https://books2read.com/b/bzedM9

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STEEL: https://books2read.com/u/bQaoBE

COBALT: https://books2read.com/b/38EwEV

TUNGSTEN: https://books2read.com/b/4Ax6xo

MAG: https://books2read.com/b/b5QEQ6

Two cousins, one an MC princess running from the life and the other an abused wife running to it for safety.

Amazon: http://getbook.at/ChasingEve
All Vendors: https://books2read.com/u/47rr78

Amazon: http://getbook.at/CatchingJane
All Vendors: https:///books2read.com/b/brvPzM

#NewRelease #MF #MC #Erotic #Romance #1980s #80s #motorcycleclub #1percent #99cents
#SEIsaac #JosetteReuel

99 cents must-reads!

Looking for #99CENT #mustreads?


Delicious Sin (#Contemporary M/F Rom)

Her Personal B.O.B. (#SciFi RH meanage Rom)

Ginny’s Angels (#PNR RH MC)

Pride & Flamboyance (PNR M/F)

Love in Dark Spots (PNR MC M/F)

Chasing Eve (Contemporary M/F MC 80’s)

Catching Jane (Contemporary M/F MC 80’s)

Steel (Contemporary RH menage Rom)

Santa’s Secret: Forever Safe Christmas II #10 (Contemporary M/F Rom)

Behind Closed Doors (Dark PNR RH menage)

Love Management Anthology (PNR Rom)


New Release PNR MC RH

Book four has arrived, but don’t forget the sister books! 😉

Book 1: https://books2read.com/b/mBGBjO

Book 2:

Book 3:

Book 4:

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Shyness & Awesomeness



image book cover anthology It is time to meet another author from the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat anthology!

If you were to throw shyness and awesomeness into a blender you would get my co-coordinator of this anthology, one of my fave authors & my sista’ from another mista’- Author Josette Reuel!! ❤

Josette and I met through another analogy & we have been inseparable since then! No, seriously, if one of us goes quiet, the other one goes through separation anxiety/withdrawal! :p She is quite the friend, quite the author, and quite a woman. I am very happy to have crossed paths with her.


Okay, enough rambling about our friendship, let’s take a peek into her life and into what makes her-her…

josette new

Where are you from? Do you have children? Pet? Married?

I have spent 45 years (on February 26th) in Central Ohio. I live on 2 acres surrounded by farmland that has been in my husband’s family for over one hundred years. We have a daughter who is finishing her Baking and Pastry Arts Associates degree and a son who just turned eighteen and is stressing over having to become an adult. I love animals and we’ve always had pets. I have two black cats that are outside mousers (I’d have them inside if my husband would let me). My son and daughter both have a dog. My son has a rat and I guess his sister is giving him her hermit crabs – she also gave him the rat, by the way. And, we have six rabbits at the moment that my son is raising for his last year in 4-H.

Have you ever visited or lived abroad (overseas)? If so, where? Did you like it?

When I was eighteen my parents paid for me to travel to visit my boyfriend in Norway. I stayed with his family for three months before returning to attend college. I totally wanted to stay. It was so beautiful there. I met him while he was an exchange student in Ohio my Junior year of high school. It’s not “overseas” but I’ve been to Canada a few times and met some amazing authors and readers at the Ignite Your Soul Author Event. I’ll be returning for my third year in September.

Besides writing, what is your passion?

Anyone have time for anything other than writing? LOL  Seriously, I love any sort of creative project. I was an art major when I first went to college and love crafts. I make my own book covers, graphics, and swag. I even have a site to sell my services for a reasonable price to other indie authors. One of the best things is to use my talents to make someone a gift, the joy that I can bring others just by using some of my own time is priceless.

Biggest pet peeve?

Being asked silly questions. Just kidding. My biggest pet peeve is to be talked over. Just because I’m quieter or I take time to put my thoughts together doesn’t mean I don’t want to have my say. It’s been ingrained in me to be polite and not interrupt others while they are talking. However, not everyone has learned that lesson.

What genre do you write in? Do you read mostly in this genre too?

I write Paranormal Romance. The majority of what I read falls within PNR. However, I’m open to any good story. Being a Sci Fi geek from way back, I love anything with a science fiction, fantasy, or paranormal twist. And, romance has definitely become my genre of choice.

What inspired you to write books?

I have enjoyed books and stories from the time I was very small. So, the written word has always been there. Unfortunately, life took me a different direction and I was forty years old before I seriously considered trying to publish. I’d recently began reading again (kids and work had stolen my reading time for many years) and met some online book lovers who encouraged me to try writing. My family were very supportive and in 2014 my husband told me to quit my full-time job and write full-time instead. My first novel was published in September, 2014.

If you could only have one book in your personal library, what would that book be? And why?

A Kindle because I could have all of my favorites LOL I seriously don’t have one book that is my all-time favorite. If I love a book, I read more by that author, but I read so many that one doesn’t stand out over another. They all have their place in my life. The moments that they helped me to escape reality and travel to another world.

With the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, will your readers see a different writing style or do you always stick to the same writing style?

I will write the story the way I have written all of my others, I will allow it to guide me where it wants to go. I think each of my stories have a style of their own, but all of my writing does have a consistent voice. At least I think so. Might want to ask my beta crew and see if they’d agree.


Now for the fun stuff:


Are you a coffee or tea drinker (Which do you prefer)?

Chai tea

What is one food/beverage that you could never give up?

Cherry Coke (I’ve tried)

Unicorn or Dragons- Which team would you be on?

Dragons no contest.

If a zombie apocalypse happened and you had to choose two items from the following list of items, which one would you choose and why?  Titanium baseball bat, running shoes, a shotgun with two cases of shells, a novel by your favorite author, Samurai sword, a Knight’s armor suits, semi-truck filled with chocolate, or a puppy/kitten?

Samurai sword for protection and it’s always ready and doesn’t run out of ammo. I’m torn between the semi of chocolate and the kitten. A girl always needs her chocolate, but a kitten could be your friend and help keep you warm at night.

What is one silly, fun, or nerdy fact about you?

I have a mutant heart LOL I always forget the term for it, but the trunk that branches out of the top of my heart, one branch goes to your right brain and one branch goes to your right arm. Well, the one for my arm actually comes out of the left side of my heart, wraps around the back and goes down my arm. The doctor was adamant that it was a “typical deviation from the normal anatomy,” but I prefer to just say I’m a mutant.


Image result for Follow me

I found this on Google- Josette would NEVER post something like this!! LOL

Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JosetteReuel, @JosetteReuel
Friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josette.reuel
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JosetteReuelAuthor
Follow me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+JosetteReuel
Follow me on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/josettereuel/
Follow me on Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/evanlea
Visit my Web site: http://evanleabookshelf.weebly.com


Follow my Amazon Author page: amazon.com/author/josettereuel


Her latest paranormal romance series.

Amazon Link


Cover Reveal Giveaway

Don’t forget about the Giveaway that our paranormal romance anthology is having. Don’t want you to miss out on a chance of winning amazing prizes.





Be sure to stop by our Fan Page and give it a “like”. We have lots of goodies coming that way! ❤



Well, ‘Ciao-Ciao’ for now!

Happy Reading & XoXo’s


❤ ❤ ❤

Spunk & Honesty!

One of the things I love about being in anthologies is that I get to meet authors, who I may have never met otherwise. With the current anthology that I am co-coordinating and an author in A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, has introduced me to some amazing authors! Such a great group of authors! ❤

I was able to chat it up with all of them. Learned lots about them. Learned the similarities and differences we had. Learned their likes and dislikes. Yet, another fun experience. So, without further ado, let’s meet an author of A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat anthology.


Where are you from? Do you have children? Pet? Married?

I am from London, Ontario by way of the Toronto area, where I was born and raised.  I like London much better.    I have 6 pets – a beta named Arthur Curry (Aquaman’s human name); an unnamed pleco; a very large half-Manx named Terror; a domestic long-haired cat named Luna (who is as crazy as her name suggests); a pouty, cranky, 6 year old Corgi-Finnish Spitz named Toffee, who looks like a small corn dog; and, finally, my 4 month old Corso-St Bernard-Rottie mix, Micky.  I’m training Micky to be a support dog for me; she’ll be a PTSD dog and physical support. 

I am not married anymore.  I walked out of an abusive marriage in 2005.  It was mutually abusive and I refused to allow my children to grow up thinking that it was okay for Mummy and Daddy to yell, scream, call each other names and beat on each other.  So I left and everyone has been much happier since.  My kids are now 22 and 18, both are well-adjusted, brilliant and driven.  I am, however, in the kind of relationship you find in a really good romance novel – the love is intense, overwhelming and deep; the sex makes me see stars ; he’s sweet, sexy, slightly geeky (and everyone will get to meet him at IYSAE); and, of course, there’s a complication.

Have you ever visited or lived abroad (overseas)? If so, where? Did you like it?

I got to go to Scotland in 2014!  It was a 40th birthday gift (which was in 2013) and I didn’t have to pay a single cent, except for the tattoo I got done in Glasgow, which was my gift to myself.

Scotland is a major part of my heritage and it was a lifelong dream to go.  I got to spend two whole weeks there (my friends really, really love me).  It was amazing!  I work with energy and so I not only got to see the history I got to feel it.  I would absolutely live there.  I hope to, some day.

Besides writing, what is your passion?

I have a couple:

  1. The people I love. I am driven to look after them as much as they look after me.
  2. Photography.  M just bought me an almost-DSLR! It’s a Kodak Easy Share Z981, a real softball in the world of digital cameras but still a huge step up from the Olympus D-700.  It’s a great camera to start learning how to use a DSLR on.  I’m stoked.
  3. And last, but not least, is the dream my daughter and I share, the reason I went back to school and she is attending the University of Guelph’s Bachelor’s of Bio-Resource Management Program:  our ranch.  One part of the ranch will be about rehabilitating injured and abused horses and the other part will a live-in camp (we’re hoping  a month at a time, maybe the summer for those who need it) for children who have been abused and are not being helped by the support the system offers.  Those children who cannot be reached.  I was one of those children.  Having some place where I could work with animals, make connections with other living creatures and learn that I could be loved and love in return… That’s what I’d like to offer other children.


Biggest pet peeve?

My ex-husband. *laughs*  We actually get along fairly well, now.

My biggest pet peeve is people with brains who don’t use them.  Those who are intelligent but act and speak with ignorance.


What genre do you write in? Do you read mostly in this genre too?

I write paranormal thrillers with a lot of romance and sex thrown in. I also write erotica, just for fun.  I tend to read a lot of paranormal – LKH, Kelley Armstrong, JR Ward and Kim Harrison are my favourites.


What inspired you to write books?

When I was in grade four, my class was challenged to write a short story without using the word “and”.  My teacher loved my story and I realized that I could affect people with my words.  I wrote off and on a little through my teens until my boyfriend (and first lover) insisted that I write out my fantasies for him.  They were the most trite pieces of drivel you have ever seen full of fireplaces, bear skin rugs and cabins in the woods but I continued to write and improve upon that embarrassment.  Then my stories started actually having character development and depth and I steered away from so much sex. A book was a challenge I set for myself.


If you could only have one book in your personal library, what would that book be? And why?

*gasp*  One book?!?  Can it be an anthology?  Actually, it is an anthology:   An Oxford Anthology of Shakespeare.  I absolutely love Shakespeare. If you talk to me often enough you will get peppered with Shakespearean references from direct quotes to oblique ones.  I’m on a (pretty much continuous) Messenger call with M right now and he said, “You want Shakespeare, don’t you?” *chuckles*


With the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, will your readers see a different writing style or do you always stick to the same writing style?

I tend to write in an open omnipresent third person – that means that you are getting the inner thoughts and seeing the lives of more than just the MC, so, for instance, you’ll be seeing the thoughts and lives of both Sarah and Mike, not just Sarah in my story. I was going to try to write in closed third person but I don’t like it as much.  (To be honest, I had one publisher say they’d be thrilled to publish Witch Hitlist I rewrote it in closed third person, only from Anna’s POV.  Pfft)  This story is going to be in my normal style, for sure.

And that was a roundabout way of getting to that answer.  Sorry, people!


Now for the fun stuff:

Are you a coffee or tea drinker (Which do you prefer)?

Tea.   If I do drink coffee, it’s gotta be light and sweet and preferably made light with hazelnut creamer.  By then, I don’t think it’s really coffee anymore eh?    Tea it is!  I own a dozen or so different ones.


What is one food/beverage that you could never give up?

Cheese.   I bet you expected that Ch sound to be the beginning of chocolate, didn’t ya?


Unicorn or Dragons- Which team would you be on?

Dragons.  All the way.


If a zombie apocalypse happened and you had to choose two items from the following list of items, which two would you choose and why?  Titanium baseball bat, running shoes, shotgun with two cases of shells, a novel by your favorite author, Samurai sword, a Knight’s armor suits, semi-truck filled with chocolate, or a puppy/kitten?

M says the bat and the puppy – the bat would last the longest without being loud or getting dull and the puppy would grow into a dog that would scent the zombies long before you.  And I have to agree, so yup, what he said. 

Nice chatting with you, S.E.Isaac!

Isn’t she awesome? I love her spunk & her honesty! Definitely, two things we have in common! ❤

To find out more about Catherine, her writing, her photos, and the work she’s doing with Micky check out her blogs: 
<Whispers> She is on social media too!
Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HighlandWolves

image book cover anthology

After following Catherine and all of her great pages, be sure to find her and the other authors on the anthology’s Facebook Fan Page. ❤

Image result for whisper
One more thing, before I go, do you like winning things for free? (Yes, I said, ‘Free’.) If so, be sure to enter the anthology’s Cover Reveal Event giveaway. There are three amazing prizes up for grabs!!!

Happy Monday, Happy Reading & XoXo,
❤ ❤ ❤

Need your help! <3

Have you supported our paranormal romance anthology’s ThunderClap? If not, don’t worry there is still time. Just click the link and choose your social media(s) to support with ❤ Feel free to share this blog post with your friends, family, and even the crazy cat lady next door 🙂
Scaredy Cat




Ah…good ole Friday

Image result for how your day is going

Well, we made it to the weekend. Doesn’t feel any different. A matter of fact, it’s kind of shitty and reminds me of Monday. What day does your weekend feel like?


It’s funny the type of person I am. I am always trying to inspire, motivate and be positive towards other people and their lives, but when it comes to my own, I have this gigantic black cloud hovering over my head. You know, like the ones in the cartoons. Yep! That’s my life. When it rains, it pours & I never have an umbrella. (insert ‘crummy’ face. HA!)


Enough griping from me. Let me name some positive things:

  • The paranormal romance anthology that I am co-coordinating is going great! Such an awesome group of authors that I am getting to work with. We are all so diverse from one another. I ❤ it!



  • The most important one of all:


Image result for didn't need bail money this week


Happy Friday & XoXo,





❤ ❤ ❤


1078e55c394ea88c573744ec42e82c9ed7bcaecae068aeb993fac2f1e4164993I am sure once my children come inside from playing in the backyard that they will begin frantically searching for me. Don’t worry, the hubby is out in the main part of the house, so they have an adult. I, on the other hand, have taken myself out of the equation for a few moments. Sitting at the dining room table, at the kitchen bar, in my room’s recliner was getting interrupted way too much. I took matters into my own hands and found my own ‘space’.

current work space.jpgWork in progress. But at least I have a hiding spot now to work on my books, projects, and crafts. I really should have taken a more recent picture, because I’ve cleaned more since taking this picture. ❤

Ugh! I can hear the boys tattling on each other. We shall see how long I can hide out in the closet.

On my current paranormal romance story, I am a little over 17k words. I think I will have it finished by the end of the weekend. Super stoked about that! This paranormal romance story is going into the anthology that I am co-coordinating with author Josette Reuel. There are sooooo many amazing authors in this anthology!

If you are curious as to who they are, stop by the anthology’s Facebook page. Be sure to hit ‘like’ because there are lots of goodies coming to that page real soon. I don’t want any of you, lovelies, to miss out! ❤ ❤ ❤


Facebook Link to ‘Claiming a Scaredy Cat’

Scaredy Cat

Feel free to share the link with your friends, family, loved ones…even the crazy cat lady next door 😉



Sometimes you just have to go after what you want! Go get em’, Tiger! (Rooooar!)

Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

Is there a button?

Image result for Getting skinny meme I usually don’t like posting memes with kids cursing, but this one is too cute. She reminds me of me when I was little. Sassy and ready to tell you how it is! (HA)

I decided to get healthy this year, no matter what. My depression has taken over my life. I already have my own battle with depression, anxiety, PTSD and such, but throwing my son’s autism, mood disorder, and early on-set Schizophrenia is a recipe for absolute DISASTER! It took a toll on me. I cry. I give up hope. I cry some more. I scream. I don’t eat. I overeat. I just lose my shit. Nothing to brag about, nothing to be ashamed of, but it is what it is. There is no point in hiding it.

FB_IMG_1516208482859Anyway, 2018 is my year to get healthy. Or at least healthier. I have been walking my youngest to school in the mornings. This morning on the way back, I jogged over halfway home with the dog (He’s my workout partner.) My son got kicked out of school, so they brought him home. We did school here at the house. We did PE so I got some more exercising in. Then in 2 hours, I am walking back to the school to get my youngest. I was supposed to write, today, but nothing has gone as planned. Bleh!

My cup is now filled with coffee and I will be making another pot of coffee shortly. I WILL get some writing done! I cannot take it any longer. From December 23 until January 7th, the kids were home. Then my son got sent home. They had a three day weekend. Husband was home three days. So on so forth, I just don’t have time to myself. Love my family, but I am really trying to take my writing and books serious this year. <insert overwhelmed emoji>




Since I can’t focus on writing, I have been focusing on promoting my books (Train to Anguish and Out on a Limb), plus the anthology that I am co-coordinating & contributing to: A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat. The anthology is a collection of paranormal romance stories with feline shapeshifters. Would love for you to stop by & ‘like’ the page. There will be cover reveals, giveaways, author spotlights, and so much more. Don’t miss out. 🙂

Link to the FB page 🙂


Scaredy Cat


We also have a ThunderClap for this anthology that could use some more support. We have reached our goal of 100; however, I have a personal goal of getting us to 300. ThunderClap is easy. You click the link, then choose the social media(s) you want to support with. (You can choose all of the social media platforms.) On February 23, a message will be posted on that social media platform that you chose, about our anthology. This is a way to get the anthology’s name out there to everyone. ❤

Support Our ThunderClap, Please 🙂


I am off to down this coffee, write a paragraph or two then walk to get my youngest.

Wish me luck.

Happy Reading & XoXo



P.S. My son (autism and such) is running around the house barking at the dog…this writing attempt may fail before it starts :/



❤ ❤ ❤