Tag Archive | Military romance


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Happy Reading & XoXo,
S. E. Isaac
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Who is crying? I’m not crying. You are.

**Taken from a blog posted by Josette Reuel Find Blog Here**



Going from the lap of luxury to an all-male war academy, wasn’t something that Kaitlyn Armistice ever imagined for herself. Trapped as a political bargaining chip between her government, the Nevan’s, and the Lynxan government, she finds herself in a scary new world at the Academy of Anguish. Struggling to control her fears, complete her assigned tasks, and to understand her attraction to her instructors, Kaitlyn forces her focus on succeeding. When success is finally within her grasp, will Kaitlyn be able to battle her way through the Academy of Anguish, hold on to a budding romance, and win the hearts of her people?


by Josette Reuel
As you know, S.E. Isaac and I are close. We are friends, critique partners, and business partners. However, I want you to understand that what I write in this review is 100% honest. YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK! LOL

My life has been crazy and although I have read several of S.E. Isaac’s books released before we connected, I had put off “Train to Anguish.” I can’t really explain why… maybe it was the fact that I wasn’t really clear on what genre the book was or maybe the fact that I knew how personal this book was for my friend to write, but needless to say, I didn’t read it for months. It just sat on my Kindle. Then, a couple of weeks ago I was on a  plane heading out to Las Vegas where I was going to meet up with S.E. for a writing retreat of sorts. I began the trip writing on my iPad but soon decided that it would be easier to read. I flipped through the books on my Kindle carousel and finally noticed “Train to Anguish.” What better book to read while heading out to see the author of said book.

As I delved into this unique world that appears to be a mesh of the current day United States and medieval Europe, I became engrossed in the life of the heroine of the story, Kaitlyn Armistice. This book is a coming of age, finding your place in the world, dealing with the ravages of war, coping with an abusive past, and finding love story. It really does have everything from laughter to fighting to stolen kisses. The characters were gripping and the world was mesmerizing. That was the best flight I’ve ever had as it flew by and all too soon we were landing. I started reading “Train to Anguish” and didn’t stop until the last word – as I grabbed my bags and traveled to the hotel. And, when I reached that last word my first thought was, “Why the hell didn’t I read this sooner.”

This book may fit in a bunch of sub genres, but who really cares how to categorize it? Just click the button below and go buy your own copy so you can learn why this book amazed me so much with its unique story.”

This seriously made me teary eyed. If my husband hadn’t been sitting across from me at the dining room table when I read it, I would have bawled my eyes out! This was an unexpectant review. I am beaming ear to ear. 

Happy Halloween & XoXo,

Train to Anguish by S.E.Isaac



Going from the lap of luxury to an all-male war academy, wasn’t something that Kaitlyn Armistice ever imagined for herself. Trapped as a political bargaining chip between her government, the Nevan’s, and the Lynxan government, she finds herself in a scary new world at the Academy of Anguish.

Struggling to control her fears, complete her assigned tasks, and to understand her attraction to her instructors, Kaitlyn forces her focus on succeeding.

When success is finally within her grasp, will Kaitlyn be able to battle her way through the Academy of Anguish, hold on to a budding romance, and win the hearts of her people?

Amazon Link



Light beamed down on my face, as we passed through the ten-mile tunnel that led to Lynx Canton. The half an hour train ride seemed to last an eternity. I was the only one in the train car. I had no other passengers to pass the time with to ease my nervousness. I was filled with nerves, confusion, and rage on the inside but kept an emotionless composure on the outside. Emotions were my enemy. I had known that since day one.

The Academy of Anguish was an all-male war academy. The word academy is just another way of saying canton without making it political, but everyone knows Academy of Anguish is a lifestyle not an educational system. The males left the walls of the academy, conducting themselves in a variety of ways, often in a warrior way. When they caused trouble, they weren’t questioned by the law, simply returned within the walls to receive whatever punishment was deemed necessary, if any. This is why no female would be foolish enough to subject her body to the agony, torment, and suffering that may wait within those walls. With the academy, there was no guarantee of survival.

The academy reached out past their walls to the Nevan government, because they wanted a female test subject not of Lynxan blood. It was decided that I would be the one to go in exchange for a political alliance agreement. My father had selfishly signed my fate away to the unknown and with only a care for their people in mind.

The academy provided an outfit before my departure. Black pants, black boots and a black tank top. I was told I would not need to bring anything with me. I was to simply get on the private train at the Nevan train depot and everything else would be taken care of. My father tried to hug and kiss me goodbye, but I ran to the arms of my mother, who kissed me swiftly and whispered, ‘I love you’. I found the strength somehow and walked out the door. I never looked back.

Now, here I am sitting on a train to doom and not a friend in the world. Most females would be bawling their eyes out in my current situation, but I knew better. Even when you felt like no one was watching, there was always someone watching. And I refused to be seen as weak. 

The train finally reached the end of the tunnel and the glow of lights from the academy walls could be seen. The Academy of Anguish was much bigger then I had imagined. It looked like a fortress that went on for miles and miles. The train began to slow down, as I continued gazing out the window in amazement. My focus came back to the train when I was jarred forward as it halted. I stood up from my seat and looked at the exit doors. I knew once those train doors opened, there was no turning back. I’d be forever marked.


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tta Eric


TTA war


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Ah…good ole Friday

Image result for how your day is going

Well, we made it to the weekend. Doesn’t feel any different. A matter of fact, it’s kind of shitty and reminds me of Monday. What day does your weekend feel like?


It’s funny the type of person I am. I am always trying to inspire, motivate and be positive towards other people and their lives, but when it comes to my own, I have this gigantic black cloud hovering over my head. You know, like the ones in the cartoons. Yep! That’s my life. When it rains, it pours & I never have an umbrella. (insert ‘crummy’ face. HA!)


Enough griping from me. Let me name some positive things:

  • The paranormal romance anthology that I am co-coordinating is going great! Such an awesome group of authors that I am getting to work with. We are all so diverse from one another. I ❤ it!



  • The most important one of all:


Image result for didn't need bail money this week


Happy Friday & XoXo,





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Naughty Read


Is it hot in here or is it just the mystery man sitting in the corner of the coffee shop? Aughbreigh Kelly keeps her cool and finds her way to the front of the line, but not before glancing at mystery man. Their eyes meet and Aughbreigh is ready to swoon. ‘Head up, eyes front, and no drooling’, she tells herself, but will she be able to resist such a treat?


Mature content below…








Naughty Reads Galore

Happy New Year, lovelies!

I know we all have lots going on so I will not ramble on (for now 😉 )

Santa is too busy getting ready for next year, so it’s okay to be naughty. Stop by Amazon and pick up one of these reads to satisfy that itch.



If you like it rough, then you should join Aughbreigh and Timmons in Out on a Limb.


‘Out on a Limb’ Link


Country Fever is naughty and leads to an even naughtier book, Part II, Hot Springs. Two men is better than one, right? Especially, when one of them is an Aussie 😉

Adrienne is shy when it comes to having attention…or is she? Mystery man + Adrienne + Panic Room= One steamy read.

Follow the Yellow Brick road 😉

Amazon doesn’t tell me who clicks & buys my books. So your secret of loving naughty books is safe. (SMILE)


Happy Reading!


E-book sales ending January 1st!

Hello, lovelies.

Time is running out on two major things….okay, three.

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1.)    My #pickme $20 Amazon e-gift card:  #pickme giveaway link! Hurry & enter!

2.)    $0.99 e-book sale

3.)    2017 (Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!)

Don’t forget that the $0.99 sales on my e-books are coming to an end soon (January 1st). Be sure to hop over to my Amazon Author Page and grab your copies today

Amazon Author Page  <<— Click here 🙂

Need help selecting which ones would best suit you? Allow me:




Out on a Limb: War to Love Part I & II is my naughty book with the highest reviews. It is available in e-book and paperback. It is not for the faint of heart. Probably not the right pick for anyone who hates sex being referred to as ‘f*cking’. (Just sayin’)

Link to this naughty read…I won’t tell 😉


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Out of my ‘nice books’, Train to Anguish has the highest reviews. (Amazon just keeps taking them down…<insert angry face>) This book is a YA military romance novel. It is available in e-book and paperback format. Direct link to ‘Train to Anguish’

For those of you, who are part of the world of the ‘spectrum’ (Autism), you would appreciate My Time is Yours. It is a comical book in sorts. It has romance. It has tears. It has laughs. Most of all…it has reality!

My Fated Valentine anthology is where my book, Kiss of a Vampire, can be found come February. This anthology is comprised of 14 paranormal romance stories and available for preorder today.


I want to thank all of you for being a part of my journey this year (and previous years). The year 2018 is totally ours!

We got this!

FIGHTING! (That’s a K-drama phrase. 🙂 )

Happy Reading, Lots of XoXo, and Happy New Year (in advance)




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Happy dance! Happy dance!

f103c3c8b80e7a8cc77958c0811f8853--team-unicorn-unicorns-art-drawingI just got a boost in confidence and it is thanks to Tiffany Heiser Graphics. I was lucky enough to cross paths with Tiffany and her company. We chatted up and I told her I was interested in a trailer for my YA military romance novel Train to Anguish. She began working her magic and the end of result has be jumping up & down with joy! Can’t wait to work with her again. Her work brings the books to life & now I feel like a real author. (ha! I know it sounds silly, but it’s nice to have professional promotional stuff made for my books.)




Headed over to my FB author page or my author Twitter page for a look at the trailer for Train to Anguish! 




Buy Today

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Miss Awesome Sauce herself, Tiffany of Tiffany Heiser Graphics



Tiffany Heiser is originally from a small town in Texas, and now lives in the city with her son and new pup; Kylo. She has been working in banking most of her life and always set aside some time to write. In 2011, she realized that she wanted to pursue the writing dream. It was in 2012 that she found graphics design to be another passion of hers. Creating images for books is truly something that she enjoys.

Tiffany Heiser is a self-taught designer who is constantly growing. Tiffany has learned so many new techniques and styles that have grown her work from what it once was. Tiffany found that she could take this new-found love and use it to help indie authors, businesses, and individuals with their graphic needs. It was that goal and that passion that prompted her to start Tiffany Heiser Graphics.

This is something that she truly enjoys. To find a relaxing moment of time to step away from any stresses from life, and create.

Tiffany Heiser Graphic Website


I cannot wait to work with her again! (Squeeeeel!)




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