Tag Archive | June

A whirlwind of a day…

Hey, Lovelies! Hope you are all doing well.

It’s been a busy day, week, month… year! I am so exhausted, especially today but at least I can say I have been productive. I woke up at 5 A.M., hit the road at 5:30AM, made it to work around 6:15AM, worked, came home, picked up my middle son, went to Walmart, came home, put away groceries, soaked in the tub, scheduled posts, fought with technology for my podcast, created a podcast with Alana Winters as my guest co-host, published my newsletter, and now working on this blog…E I E I O! (Woooo. I’m whipped! Did you catch all of that? LOL I still have to do homework before bed and it’s not even 8PM.)

If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, here is an incentive :-p

Click here

If you don’t need an incentive and just want to go to my newsletter click the image above or click here. 🙂

My latest book podcast has arrived! Click here or the image to be taken to YouTube. 🙂

So I am curious. What kind of information or things would you like to see in my newsletters, blogs, podcasts, and such? And, how often do you want to see these things? I’m always looking for new ideas and open to suggestions.

Well, Lovelies, I have to head to school now. (LOL) I have two projects due and 0 brain cells awake right now so wish me luck! (HA)

I hope you all have a wonderful evening/morning & a safe weekend and holiday for those celebrating.

Happy Reading & XoXo,

S.E. Isaac

New Book Newsletter Released

I was going to make a post updating you all on my life, but honestly, that’d be a super depressing blog. So, instead, I’m going to share my latest book newsletter with you all.

Click Here or The Image For Newsletter

Happy Reading!


S.E. Isaac

P.S. What topics would you like me to write about? How often? Daily? Weekly? Bi-weekly? etc.