Tag Archive | giveaway

It’s Giveaway Time!

It’s Giveaway Time!Β 

Be sure to enter for your chance to win some great things!Β 

USA RESIDENTS ONLY: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/446b36a217/?

OUTSIDE THE USA RESIDENTS ONLY: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/446b36a218/?

If you are already following an author and/or their newsletter, contact me to be entered into the giveaway manually! πŸ™‚

#Giveaway #FreeToEnter #Readers #Books #AmazonGiftCard #TisTheSeason #JTruesdell #MichelleSavage #SEIsaac

*Social media platform companies & Amazon are not responsible for this giveaway*




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πŸ“–BOOKLOVERS!πŸ“– Enter a free giveaway for your chance to win one of several amazing πŸ“š reads ❀ by these fabulous authors.

#giveaway #books #readers #bloggers #free #news #entertainment #authors #booklovers #weekend


Giveaway Alert!

Do you like free stuff? If so, take a look at my giveaway. Two prizes up for grabs:

  1. Ebook copy of my book ‘Train to Anguish’ or ‘Out on a Limb’. (Depends on the heat level you like)
  2. Gift card to Starbucks.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Image result for giveaway


Giveaway Link

Happy Reading &XoXo,


**May the odds be in your favor**



~*Time Travel*~


This year has been flying by. It seems like my to-do list keeps getting longer and disappearing into the back of my mind for a few weeks. 😦 So frustrating. I have so many moving pieces in my life that I feel like I am trying to fly a kite in a tornado. (HA)

Image result for losing my mind

Since the last time I blogged (which has been a long ass time ago. Sorry about that 😦 ), the paranormal romance anthology that I am a co-coordinator and an author in has finally been released! I am sooooooo excited. A lot of readers are looking at the price of $2.99 and frowning. However, this anthology has TEN paranormal romance stories, over 150,000 words, and a portion of the proceeds is going to the Wounded Warrior Project. Most people spend more than $5 on a coffee at some fancy cafe.

Would love it, if you all would grab your copy today, give it a read and let me know what you think of it? I was able to read all of the stories and it amazed me. Ten stories, yet, no two stories were alike (outside of the theme: catching a scaredy cat). We had a diverse group of authors in this anthology. It was fun watching their stories come to life and seeing their writing styles. I truly think you all would love these stories. If it sucked, I would tell you guys. (Like I did with the last anthology I was in HA HA HA)

Book Final April

Buy on Amazon Link


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Click through the slideshow to see the covers and teasers

Buy Now



In other news, if you haven’t heard, my giveaway for this month is ending in two days so be sure to enter for your chance to win an e-gift card!Β Giveaway Link



Happy Reading & XoXo,




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Pampered Princess

Not only is it released into the world, but it has also had a facelift! What can I say, my books no how to pamper themselves. (HA)



The cover was done by my dear friend, fellow author, & business partner, Josette Reuel of Evanlea Publishing & Designs!Β Company’s Website

I am so in love. ❀ ❀ ❀


<whispers> I’m having another giveaway. Hurry & Enter.Β Link to the Goods


Happy Weekend, Lovelies!


Okay. Which one of you lovelies wants to be my damn personal assistant or my children’s nanny? I need one of the two, but preferablyΒ both. Sigh.

Living with depression is such a drag. (literally) One minute you’re on top of the world. The next minute, you’re wanting to shove your head into a big thing of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. It’s like a very shitty rollercoaster. I love rollercoasters but this one is shitty. It is like it keeps stopping in the middle of the ride leaving me dangling upside down. Or it stops just as I’m in the middle of the fun drop. (Grrrr.) Either let me have the fun rollercoaster or let me the fuck off. Ya know? Ah. The life of me.


Moving on to better not so shitty topics (HA). The paranormal romance anthology that I am co-coordinating and an author in is kicking ass! It hasn’t released yet, but our FB page is hopping and the pre-orders are rolling in. It makes me smile. A portion of the proceeds is going to the Wounded Warrior Project! As a veteran, this just makes me smile ear to ear. Doing good always feels good. Right? πŸ™‚

To pre-order your copy click this link:Β This link! πŸ™‚

To join our fun & crazy Facebook Fan Page, click that link:Β That link πŸ™‚

Don’t let the price of $2.99 scare you. You will be getting 10 paranormal romance stories with each story being 15-20k words in length! Hell, a lot of authors charge this price for just one story! So you are getting 10 for 1 πŸ™‚

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Be sure to tell your friends about our anthology and the cause we are supporting (Wounded Warrior Project). I would be forever grateful AND you can have as many cyber cookies as you’d like πŸ˜‰


Happy Reading & XoXo,


You found it! My giveaway link!Β Click Here to Find the Goodies

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Head there right MEOW!

There are giveaway shenanigans to be had! Head over to my Facebook author page and find Mr. Burns with his mystery gift meme. Enter my giveawayΒ My FB Author Page


THEN…head over to our paranormal romance anthology page & play the ‘hide and seek’ giveaway. Under some of the posts, there are giveaway links hidden! (SQUEEEEL!) Don’t miss out on a chance to win this little guy:




Anthology’s FB Page



Last but not least don’t forget that my baby, Bite of a Lierum, is available now! ❀ It is book 2, but books 1-4 in this series can be read out of order.The last two are sequential books. πŸ™‚ ….oh, and this book is only $0.99 πŸ˜‰


**Genre: Paranormal Romance**


Happy Reading & XoXo’s,


❀ ❀ ❀

Look what the cat drug in…

Today has been a day from H-E-L-L!!!! My son with special needs woke up at 6 AM with a vengeance! I have had a killer headache since then, except for the 30-60 minutes he managed to chill out. My head is currently throbbing. Just 2.5 more hours until bedtime! 😦 I can do this. At least that is what I keep telling myself!!!! πŸ™‚


Image result for look what the cat dragged in


If you are reading this, click theΒ Head Here (after you read this paragraph. lol). Then be sure to hitΒ likeΒ on the anthology’s fan page, and then finally sneak over to theΒ Giveaway Tab on the anthology’s page. There is a Hide and Seek giveaway going on. The authors are hiding the links for followers to find & YOU just found one πŸ˜‰

Head Here


Happy Reading, XoXo’s & May The Odds Be In Your Favor,


❀ ❀ ❀

Fire & a Heart of Gold

Hello, lovelies!

Thank you to everyone who came by the Cover Reveal Event for the anthology that I am co-coordinating and an author in. We had a blast. Got to see some amazing covers, great giveaways, and all sorts of stuff. Again, thank you for being there. πŸ™‚


Anthology Pre-Order Link

Here is one of the beautiful covers and the blurb ❀

Romarin's final




A few fated years prior, Autumn met the only person like her in the entire world– right before finding out she was tasked to kill him. Autumn is the sole heir of a shifter family who believes that other shape shifters should be eradicated, and though she’s a powerful jaguar shifter, she is helpless to do much about it. Twenty years ago, Autumn let Blaze escape with his life. Now he’s back, he’s gorgeous, and this time, he’s here to kill her.







Now, let’s get to know the lovely author of Hunter’s Moon.



Where are you from? Do you have children? Pet? Married?

I am from Ohio and am married!

Have you ever visited or lived abroad (overseas)? If so, where? Did you like it?

I am in love with London and have been stuck there for 16 books… but only in my mind. In β€œHunter’s Moon” I’m in the USA as a setting, and that was refreshing.

Besides writing, what is your passion?

I like any kind of art an am an eccentric, so I have too many hobbies to count. I recently got into designing graphics and that has been true fun.

Biggest pet peeve?

When people cough on their hands. You’re a grownup. WHY?Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

What genre do you write in? Do you read mostly in this genre too?

I write in paranormal romance and urban fantasy, and recently I am reading my books over and over again for proofing, so yes, I read in this genre.

What inspired you to write books?

Countess Bathory the serial killer was my main inspiration for the first series of books I wrote.

If you could only have one book in your personal library, what would that book be? And why?

The first book I ever wrote. I will always be proud that I actually did it.

With the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, will your readers see a different writing style or do you always stick to the same writing style?

I am writing in present tense and it is wicked fun! It pulls me in when I’m writing it.


Now for the fun stuff:

Are you a coffee or tea drinker (Which do you prefer)?

I am recently allergic to coffee because of stress so I am downing tea, but still sneaking some coffee occasionally. I drink it strong, so my level of caffeine might not be the same.

What is one food/beverage that you could never give up?

I love red curry tofu. The spices make me happy.

Unicorn or Dragons- Which team would you be on?

Unigon. (Folks, I believe she is creating her own mythical creature that is the offspring of a unicorn and dragon. lol)

If a zombie apocalypse happened and you had to choose two items from the following list of items, which one would you choose and why? Β Titanium baseball bat, running shoes, shotgun with two cases of shells, a novel by your favorite author, Samurai sword, a Knight’s armor suits, semi-truck filled with chocolate, or a puppy/kitten?

Bat and sword. They are close range and don’t run out of amo. Running shoes don’t compare to combat boots.

What is one silly, fun, or nerdy fact about you?

You never know what color my hair is until you see me next. :p



(Book 1)Amazon: http://amzn.to/2oOgSh3
(Book 1)Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29416363
(Book 1) Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/reviews/a-mirror-among-shattered-glass-romarin-demetri/1123881264

(Book 2) Amazon: http://amzn.to/2oOhrr3
(Book 2) Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32177767
(Book 2) Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-frost-bloom-garden-romarin-demetri/1125250857?ean=2940157113537

(Book 3) Amazon: http://amzn.to/2pGgG1K
(Book 3) Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34528445

Social and Media links:

Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/oTTvGB7t_oU
Powers and Personality Subculture Quiz: https://uquiz.com/SevRSQ
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/c6NDvH
Witch Serial: Paranormal Romance Serial (free chapters sending May 2018): http://eepurl.com/c-5Hev

Author Central Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/Romarin-Demetri/e/B01CM47OIC/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/37886652-romarin-demetri

Blog: https://romarindemetri.wordpress.com/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RomarinDemetri

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Romarindemetri/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RomarinDemetri

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/romarindemetri


Thank you for getting to know, Romarin. Isn’t she great? πŸ™‚

Happy Reading & XoXo,


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