Tag Archive | exercising

Wasn’t a Cake Walk

Probably one of the hardest thing I have had to do was yesterday. I walked my youngest to school, then decided to fight the tears and walk my normal route. You know, the route I usually walked with our dog…before the dog incident, my arms ripped to shreds and him euthanized? Yeah, that route. I had to keep voice messaging my baby cousin to keep me motivated. I wanted to quit a few steps into it. It was so overwhelming. A simple walk had me ready to cry and not because I was out of shape (which I am), but because of the painful happy memories.

us walkNeedless to say, I fought through the emotional drain and surprisingly, I wasn’t dying physically at the end of it. I took a few weeks off, but my body didn’t skip a beat. I ended up doing 3 miles in the morning and then another 3 miles with hubby after he came home from work. It felt great to walk for exercise again. It is always nice to get lost in nature…and the sound of crazy ass mopeds, wannabe street racers, and suped-up dualies. Ah. The joys of living in a city. (Please, note that I do not live in the center or Las Vegas. I actually live on the outskirts by one of the mountain ridges. Could you imagine if I did live in the center? The things I would hear and see! Oh! My!)



This morning! **Yes. That’s a soccer ball. 🙂 **

I walked my youngest to school, today. Since my ankle was feeling funky and my legs were tight, I didn’t keep walking my route, instead, I headed back to the house. However, I still got 1.5 miles in so I will take it ❤



Happy Thursday, Everyone!



❤ ❤ ❤