Tag Archive | chocolate

Head there right MEOW!

There are giveaway shenanigans to be had! Head over to my Facebook author page and find Mr. Burns with his mystery gift meme. Enter my giveaway My FB Author Page


THEN…head over to our paranormal romance anthology page & play the ‘hide and seek’ giveaway. Under some of the posts, there are giveaway links hidden! (SQUEEEEL!) Don’t miss out on a chance to win this little guy:




Anthology’s FB Page



Last but not least don’t forget that my baby, Bite of a Lierum, is available now! ❤ It is book 2, but books 1-4 in this series can be read out of order.The last two are sequential books. 🙂 ….oh, and this book is only $0.99 😉


**Genre: Paranormal Romance**


Happy Reading & XoXo’s,


❤ ❤ ❤

Look what the cat drug in…

Today has been a day from H-E-L-L!!!! My son with special needs woke up at 6 AM with a vengeance! I have had a killer headache since then, except for the 30-60 minutes he managed to chill out. My head is currently throbbing. Just 2.5 more hours until bedtime! 😦 I can do this. At least that is what I keep telling myself!!!! 🙂


Image result for look what the cat dragged in


If you are reading this, click the Head Here (after you read this paragraph. lol). Then be sure to hit like on the anthology’s fan page, and then finally sneak over to the Giveaway Tab on the anthology’s page. There is a Hide and Seek giveaway going on. The authors are hiding the links for followers to find & YOU just found one 😉

Head Here


Happy Reading, XoXo’s & May The Odds Be In Your Favor,


❤ ❤ ❤

Release Day Has Arrived!

Happy Book Birthday to Bite of a Lierum! So glad to welcome this paranormal romance to the world. This series is so much fun ❤

Two more days…

February has been a nightmare, now even going to lie. With that, I say, “Goodbye, February! Hello, March!” March will be much better. So much is happening. One of the things that I am excited the most about is my new paranormal romance, Bite of a LierumIt is up for preorder now and releases March 1st! (See why March is going to be awesome? 🙂 )Bite of a Lierum is a sister to Kiss of a Vampire, which is part of the My Fated Valentine anthology until October 2018. Then it too will be a standalone book.

Both of these beauties are part of my Fates Intertwined Series. This series will be full of paranormal, romance, twists, and tales. Each book will be able to be read as a standalone except for the last two. Those books will be marked as such so no one is out of the loop ❤

Look through the slideshow to see more about Bite of a Lierum and Kiss of a Vampire.


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Purchase links:

Bite of a Lierum Link

‘Kiss of a Vampire’ (MFV anthology) link



Happy Reading & XoXo,



P.S. Sharing is caring, so tell a friend or two about my books! (Lots of cyber cookies, if you do 😉 )



❤ ❤ ❤


Cover new SEIsaac

Here is my beautiful cover that was created by Evanlea Publishing & Designs

Roar of Her Own Blurb

Hideaway Falls was the last place that Zara Nez wanted to be. The reservation filled with her loved ones was once beautiful in her eyes. The beauty no longer there for it was tainted by an ugly beast that she once loved.

With each visit, it became harder and harder to hide the pain she felt.  A pain of her never forgotten past- Rogue Pezi. It was a love that was supposed to last forever. The love shattered in pieces when Rogue hightailed it from her and never looked back.

Now fate has brought them back together by an arranged marriage. Rogue has been chosen by the ancestors to be the next headman to their feline clan. Zara is the only link left to the current headman’s bloodline. Marrying Zara is the only way for Rogue to take his responsibility for the clan.

Zara’s desire for Rogue is ignited once more when the two come face to face. After nearly a decade, everything shifts within her. The anger she felt towards him disappears. The coldness melts from her heart. She needs him back in her life. More than ever. However, as usual, Rogue is ready to run from both the responsibilities of being the headman and Zara.

Will Zara be able to claim this scaredy cat or will he once again flee?


The beast rattled it's cage (2)


Here are the other beautiful covers & the authors ❤


all covers



A collection of ten never before published paranormal romance tales about strong females who struggle to hold on to their scaredy “cat” males. This anthology is full of steamy hijinks that might just melt your eReader.

Follow these lynx, panthers, jaguars, lions, tigers, witches, cu-sith, and familiars as they find love when they’re least expecting it.

**A percentage of each sale is being donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.**

Caught by Love by Josette Reuel
Distracted by a bad mane day and haywire magic, Laith forgot to hide from love.

A Roar of Her Own by S.E. Isaac
No place to hide, when she’s on the prowl to find love.

Changing His Spots by Catherine Bowman
She captures his unwilling heart with her spirit and her camera.

Hunter’s Moon by Romarin Demetri
Autumn should never have let him go.

Kenya and Her King by Crystal St. Clair
A king only bows down to his queen.

The Familiar’s Fate by Tiffany Heiser
Fate… a four letter word that could end it all.

Snowbound by A.M. Cosgrove
He likes the quiet of the woods. She’s looking for some peace of her own. Will they be able to survive the storm that is threatening their solitude?

An Unwanted Rescue by Adalaine Rose
An unwanted rescue breeds an unwanted love.

Herding Cats by Edward Blackwood
Some cats just leave mice on the doorstep, he brought her a whole clowder of trouble.

Tamed by Laura Stapleton
Only the queen of hearts can tame this king of the beasts.


Preorder your copy, today ❤

Preorder Link


Happy Reading & XoXo,





❤ ❤ ❤

Pre-Order Available!

Hello, Lovelies! Happy Tuesday!

My series Fates Intertwined has been brought to life (insert mad scientist laugh). Kiss of a Vampire has entered the world via My Fated Valentine Anthology, which is available now on Amazon. Bite of a Lierum is my next creation that is available for preorder now & goes live (evil laugh) on March 1st!


Bite of a Lierum

Fate has a funny way of crossing the paths of those who are unlikely to meet on their own.

For years, Faith hunted the infected vampires refusing to give up until they no longer existed. Nothing else in life mattered to Faith. Her life was simply to see an end to the rogue vampires. However, Fate had different plans for Faith. This journey that she had chosen was leading her to another purpose in life.

The life Faith had chosen made her keep most beings away from her, except for a pack of Lierums. They had fought side by side in battles and in the end, an unexpected bond was formed. For once, she wasn’t alone, but there was only one problem. Within this pack of Lierums was Elijah. He was the only being who could ignite feelings within her that she never knew existed.

Faith is ready to flee to escape her feelings and Elijah is prepared to chase her. Will Fate be able to hold on to the reins with its plans for Faith and Elijah or will Faith slip through Fate’s hands?




Paranormal romance read by yours truly.

It goes live on Amazon March 1st.

Pre-Order Today!



Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

Parenting Solo

Parenting solo & there is no red solo cup involved! <Giant sad face>

So, hubby is still away to Samoa handling family matters, which means the kids are 24-7 under my care. On top of that! The schools here have been out for the past 5 days! And, on top of that! My son with the challenges (autism, mood disorder, and observed for Schizophrenia) is now going through med changes!!! My house has been a war zone. The calm before the storm never came. The storm just keeps coming over and over again. The raindrops are the size of kittens and my umbrella (mind) is filled with holes & frail.


That is me battling my son & his meltdowns


People often ask what my life is. That’s easy to explain: Get on a roller coaster blindfolded while you have a killer migraine and try to read a book. Yep! My life is crazy with a capital C. We have good moments (that’s when the roller coaster is going up) and I cherish those moments. However, we have bad moments (That’s when the roller coaster plumages towards the ground and you hope the roller coaster doesn’t derail)

Over the past weeks, due to med changes and med dosage changes, life has been exciting. That’s somewhat sarcastic. My son has been flipping out over the most ridiculous things. I have to walk on eggshells or deal with a pissed off 13-year-old with the strength of a bull on speed. Just yesterday, I didn’t walk on the eggshells, he got pissed off and went on a rampage, which included spitting in my face, calling me HORRID names and tossing his room. Yeah, that was fun. He did throw a few hits in. Mama bear came out then.

I have to remember that he does have special needs and that his body is under a lot of changes (puberty, med changes, etc.); however, it does not excuse his behavior! Verbally assaulting and/or physically assaulting someone is not acceptable. Due to his mindset (comprehensive), consequences vary. What works one day, might not work again for a few months. I have to take it in strides and be a flexible parent. I know there are so many parents/caregivers out there struggling with this day in and day out. Just know that you are not alone. ❤ ❤ ❤



Happy Reading and XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

Shyness & Awesomeness



image book cover anthology It is time to meet another author from the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat anthology!

If you were to throw shyness and awesomeness into a blender you would get my co-coordinator of this anthology, one of my fave authors & my sista’ from another mista’- Author Josette Reuel!! ❤

Josette and I met through another analogy & we have been inseparable since then! No, seriously, if one of us goes quiet, the other one goes through separation anxiety/withdrawal! :p She is quite the friend, quite the author, and quite a woman. I am very happy to have crossed paths with her.


Okay, enough rambling about our friendship, let’s take a peek into her life and into what makes her-her…

josette new

Where are you from? Do you have children? Pet? Married?

I have spent 45 years (on February 26th) in Central Ohio. I live on 2 acres surrounded by farmland that has been in my husband’s family for over one hundred years. We have a daughter who is finishing her Baking and Pastry Arts Associates degree and a son who just turned eighteen and is stressing over having to become an adult. I love animals and we’ve always had pets. I have two black cats that are outside mousers (I’d have them inside if my husband would let me). My son and daughter both have a dog. My son has a rat and I guess his sister is giving him her hermit crabs – she also gave him the rat, by the way. And, we have six rabbits at the moment that my son is raising for his last year in 4-H.

Have you ever visited or lived abroad (overseas)? If so, where? Did you like it?

When I was eighteen my parents paid for me to travel to visit my boyfriend in Norway. I stayed with his family for three months before returning to attend college. I totally wanted to stay. It was so beautiful there. I met him while he was an exchange student in Ohio my Junior year of high school. It’s not “overseas” but I’ve been to Canada a few times and met some amazing authors and readers at the Ignite Your Soul Author Event. I’ll be returning for my third year in September.

Besides writing, what is your passion?

Anyone have time for anything other than writing? LOL  Seriously, I love any sort of creative project. I was an art major when I first went to college and love crafts. I make my own book covers, graphics, and swag. I even have a site to sell my services for a reasonable price to other indie authors. One of the best things is to use my talents to make someone a gift, the joy that I can bring others just by using some of my own time is priceless.

Biggest pet peeve?

Being asked silly questions. Just kidding. My biggest pet peeve is to be talked over. Just because I’m quieter or I take time to put my thoughts together doesn’t mean I don’t want to have my say. It’s been ingrained in me to be polite and not interrupt others while they are talking. However, not everyone has learned that lesson.

What genre do you write in? Do you read mostly in this genre too?

I write Paranormal Romance. The majority of what I read falls within PNR. However, I’m open to any good story. Being a Sci Fi geek from way back, I love anything with a science fiction, fantasy, or paranormal twist. And, romance has definitely become my genre of choice.

What inspired you to write books?

I have enjoyed books and stories from the time I was very small. So, the written word has always been there. Unfortunately, life took me a different direction and I was forty years old before I seriously considered trying to publish. I’d recently began reading again (kids and work had stolen my reading time for many years) and met some online book lovers who encouraged me to try writing. My family were very supportive and in 2014 my husband told me to quit my full-time job and write full-time instead. My first novel was published in September, 2014.

If you could only have one book in your personal library, what would that book be? And why?

A Kindle because I could have all of my favorites LOL I seriously don’t have one book that is my all-time favorite. If I love a book, I read more by that author, but I read so many that one doesn’t stand out over another. They all have their place in my life. The moments that they helped me to escape reality and travel to another world.

With the paranormal romance anthology, A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat, will your readers see a different writing style or do you always stick to the same writing style?

I will write the story the way I have written all of my others, I will allow it to guide me where it wants to go. I think each of my stories have a style of their own, but all of my writing does have a consistent voice. At least I think so. Might want to ask my beta crew and see if they’d agree.


Now for the fun stuff:


Are you a coffee or tea drinker (Which do you prefer)?

Chai tea

What is one food/beverage that you could never give up?

Cherry Coke (I’ve tried)

Unicorn or Dragons- Which team would you be on?

Dragons no contest.

If a zombie apocalypse happened and you had to choose two items from the following list of items, which one would you choose and why?  Titanium baseball bat, running shoes, a shotgun with two cases of shells, a novel by your favorite author, Samurai sword, a Knight’s armor suits, semi-truck filled with chocolate, or a puppy/kitten?

Samurai sword for protection and it’s always ready and doesn’t run out of ammo. I’m torn between the semi of chocolate and the kitten. A girl always needs her chocolate, but a kitten could be your friend and help keep you warm at night.

What is one silly, fun, or nerdy fact about you?

I have a mutant heart LOL I always forget the term for it, but the trunk that branches out of the top of my heart, one branch goes to your right brain and one branch goes to your right arm. Well, the one for my arm actually comes out of the left side of my heart, wraps around the back and goes down my arm. The doctor was adamant that it was a “typical deviation from the normal anatomy,” but I prefer to just say I’m a mutant.


Image result for Follow me

I found this on Google- Josette would NEVER post something like this!! LOL

Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JosetteReuel, @JosetteReuel
Friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josette.reuel
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JosetteReuelAuthor
Follow me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+JosetteReuel
Follow me on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/josettereuel/
Follow me on Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/evanlea
Visit my Web site: http://evanleabookshelf.weebly.com


Follow my Amazon Author page: amazon.com/author/josettereuel


Her latest paranormal romance series.

Amazon Link


Cover Reveal Giveaway

Don’t forget about the Giveaway that our paranormal romance anthology is having. Don’t want you to miss out on a chance of winning amazing prizes.





Be sure to stop by our Fan Page and give it a “like”. We have lots of goodies coming that way! ❤



Well, ‘Ciao-Ciao’ for now!

Happy Reading & XoXo’s


❤ ❤ ❤

Awesomeness from Alaska


This picture does NOT do this gift justice!!!

Originally, I was going to take a picture holding this awesome stuff from an amazing person in Alaska!!! That was my goal. I didn’t care how crappy I looked because I was oooooh to excited & wanted to share the picture with all of you. However, shortly after receiving this amazing gift, my life changed forever. (Bittersweet…somewhat of a pun)


Even though it has been a few days, it does not take away the awesomeness of this gift. I cannot wait for things to settle around here so I can make that tea (so excited to try it) and enjoy those chocolates! 😉 I had to snap a picture real quick because my children can sense parental excitement and smell candy miles away! Don’t worry, the gifts are in a secret location…a.k.a….my bookshelf! I am so excited about school starting back up on Tuesday so I can step away from this upside down life and enjoy these treats!

Thanks to the amazing person who sent them. I’m not sure if I am allowed to mention their name, so I will just use ‘amazing person’ for now.

Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤