Tag Archive | adult

New Release! By who?

Who has a new release? Little Ole Me! :-p


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An Ooo La La Read!

Amazon: http://getbook.at/TemptedbyThem

Can a third-wheel get what she’s always wanted… two sexy, passionate men? Will Roark and Jaxon learn the truth about Chloe before it’s too late?

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Is there a rule?

I actually had to tell myself, today, that I would be a responsible, productive adult! (YUCK) Is there a rule saying that I have to be this adult once my kids are at school? Can’t I just sit around and think about all of the things I should be doing.? Instead of doing them, I can just imagine that I’ve done them? I think this should be a new rule implemented for adults immediately. I’m just saying. But then I suppose that there are some adults that will take this to the extreme. Their houses will end up being taped off by biohazard tape from the lack of cleaning. Lots of houses will end up without water/sewage, electric, etc. because bills aren’t paid. Maybe there should be a requirement to this rule. (HA)


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So much to do! So little motivation!!!


Did I mention that I quit drinking soda and coffee? Cold turkey at that. Next is going to be limiting my salt intake drastically. I don’t use much salt but when I do…maaaaaaan, I end up looking like that marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. Like seriously. Ridiculous. What else am I giving up on? Hmm….I feel like there is something else, but nothing comes to my mind at the moment.

My angry Samoan (hubby) found a Bowflex, in perfect condition, and get this…it was…FREE! OMG! So, I’ve been putting it to some use. I took two days off, because the Bowflex whooped my ass. But in my defense, I did workout on it five times in one day. Which was stupid on my part, considering I hadn’t worked out that hard in a long time. Today my workouts begin again but I will have to either limit the intensity or limit the amount of times I workout on it. Any of you out there personal trainers that can offer advice? Or any of you work out plastic surgery offices or weight loss spas? I could use some tips from any of you. I’ve been debating on trying that cool sculpting. I just looked it up so I could post a link for you all to see what the hell I am talking about. Apparently, calling it ‘fat freezer’ isn’t appropriate for me to use. There is actually a medical term for it- Cryolipolysis (a non-invasive body contouring treatment used to reduce fat cell volume by freezing).

Either way, this is something that I’m curious to learn more about. Any of you ever tried it?

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I bet I could save a ton of money, if I could just become friends with this guy!!!!!


Parenting Log: Day ‘too many to count’


My son with special needs: autism, mood disorder, schizophrenia and puberty! Yes, I feel that puberty should be listed as a mental illness for children. Same thing with menopause. I mean, look at how your mind shifts! Anyway…He’s been doing better. He goes on his tangents of wanting to be ‘King Alex’ (his words, not mine). That is the narcissistic personality. That personality/mood drives me crazy. I always have to ask him, “Which one of us is the parent?” To which he usually responds with, “My house, my rules!!!” Um…little boy, that is not how this household works.” (HA)

My youngest got in trouble at school for a drawing. This really surprised me because this is not like him at all. Apparently, the kids were given bags to draw on. My son and his little buddy decided to draw tombstones! However, his little buddy scratched his out at the last moment. My son got busted. He had a tombstone for: dad, mom and baby. He says that wasn’t us. Still creepy. On the other side of the bag threatened anyone who touched his bag. Something along the lines of: If you touch my bag, I will find you and beat you up. I don’t think he’s ever seen the movie Taken, but doesn’t it sound like a clip from that. Ugh. I was so embarrassed and disappointed. Totally out of character.

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My face when I learned of the bag drawing!

Him and I had a LONG chat about being appropriate, having integrity, and being self-disciplined. I told him that friends like that aren’t your real friends and will just drag you down. Sad that I have to have this conversation with my 3rd grader. I rather have this conversation now while he’s still willing to listen to me. Don’t want to wait until he’s older and I’m getting phone calls from principals!

I didn’t tell hubby so hopefully he isn’t reading this! If so, sorry, youngest son. You’re probably in even more trouble now! (HA)


I have a friend who is a blogger. She always writes such long blogs. Her blogs aren’t boring though. I often find myself drawn into them. I wish I was like her. I feel that my blogs are probably used by all of you to read, if you’re having trouble sleeping. (Big Sad Face!)

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But hey- at least you’re reading them. 🙂

Happy Reading & XoXo,
