
Technology on Earth

Why do pictures taken of the night sky look like something out of the National Inquiry, when they’ve spotted “Big Foot“? However, my selfies hone in on every blemished pore on my face? I want NASA’s camera to take pictures of the moon. Is that too much too ask?

For your safety…

For your safety, do not make eye contact with my middle son. **For those who don’t read my blogs usually, he is my son with autism, mood disorder, going through puberty and monitored for schizophrenia.**  Keep your head down. Even an accidental glance can get your head ripped off like T-Rex did in Jurassic Park. If you run into this creature, lower your head and slowly walk backwards to where you came from. Again, avoid eye contact!!!!!

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If the said son engages conversation with you, just agree to whatever so you can quickly escape the room. He is very very emotional the past week. I am not sure what has shifted in his schedule. I know the teacher said they got new students on Monday, but maaaaaaaan, is it really the new students triggering him? He has been hell of wheels. Yesterday, I had to go pick him up after school because he decided to throw a 2-year old, diva tantrum & refused to get on the bus. ( My blood sugar level was high & I was still in my pajamas. Booty shorts and a tank top. Needless to say, I threw a lava-lava on and made my way to school. I am sure I scared those in the office. **Shrugs**)

The time between him finishing getting ready for school until the bus arrived was like walking on eggshells while waiting for a ticking time bomb to go off. He spent about an hour complaining about how much he hated school, which teachers he despised, and why school sucked. I went parent mode and explained why he needed to just deal with it. (I didn’t use those words. Otherwise, I would have needed a spray water filled with holy water) 

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I didn’t realize they actually sold this!!! Comes in different sizes for your convenience.


I am currently sitting on pins and needles waiting for a call from the school. I gave him his medications at 6am instead of 430 am. I am hoping the meds will keep him more relaxed at school. However, last year, I had to do 430 am because he was falling asleep during class. SIGH. It’s never easy. Being a special needs parent is a trial & error (Hell, parenting in general.). Special needs parenting isn’t a cake walk. There are medication trials to see which one is the best fit. Doctor trials to see which one best suits your son. (My son needs a Family Care Provider, Optometrist, Podiatrist, and a Podiatrist specialist for his braces that they are making as we speak) Finding the perfect teacher is like trying to get a Lamborghini for the price of a happy meal at McDonalds. My son is hell on teachers. He has had some amazing teachers, but he doesn’t think so. One of the few he has listened to was 6’5”+, linebacker built, man. But that teacher went on emergency leave so my son got shifted to a new class and my son hasn’t liked school since. (This was last year by the way.) My son does better with tall black male teachers or thick Polynesian women. (I think because usually, they are tough love teachers. My husband is Samoan. My son doesn’t play around with him. lol) But I can’t exactly go to an IEP meeting and request one or the other. People will think I am racist (I am a plus size, biracial woman by the way for those readers just now tuning in), plus it’s hard to come by teachers in special education with those characteristics.

Hopefully, my son mellows out again so that school isn’t dragged through hell because of my son. :-/

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It can only get better right? ❤

Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

Survey says…

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I have become this! Maaaan! Where did my self-discipline go? I use to be so good at staying on tasks, sticking to schedules, and keeping motivated.

I don’t even know, if I can blame my excuse/blah mode on my depression. Is this just how I am now? Maybe it’s because I don’t work anymore or don’t have any friends around…SEE! More excuses. I haven’t worked since last September (due to my son) and I haven’t had a friend live near by since 2013! Sigh. I need to give myself a swift kick in the ass. Like seriously. This is becoming pathetic.

I need to make a schedule for myself. It feels weird to make one, since I don’t work, but I think this is going to be the ONLY way to get my ass back in gear. As long as I can stick to it…even if it’s at least sticking to it ‘somewhat’ with the hopes of one day sticking to it completely (LOL).

In other news…

Still not a famous author. Drats! I had hoped I’d become one by now. (HA!) Those who know me and/or my books, know that I HATE writing long books. When my books start reaching 50k words, I start thinking of ways to kill off all of the characters so I can end it. Which is awkward because I am a ROMANCE author. lol

However, I need to push past 50k. At least try to write another one again that is past 50k. I haven’t done it in a while…an enjoyed it. Time for change. Especially, since I notice that readers of romance seem to like LONGER books. I’m not sure why. Personally, as a reader of romance, longer becomes boring to me. This is probably why I don’t write long books.

What do you guys think? Any of you out there read romance? Do you like LONG stories or are you okay with a Novella. Not too long…not too short…and only $0.99 ?

Happy Reading & XoXo,



In case you are not following me on Facebook:




Boys. Boys. Boys.

Every morning, I wake up like the wonderful, cheerful Mary Poppins. My sons aren’t always thrilled about getting up and going to school. However, there behavior is tolerable and my patience is maintained.

After school, they have lots of energy bursting from them due to them having to maintain themselves throughout the school day. I allow this to go. It may annoy me, but I make due with it.

Dinner time is when the shift begins. It’s like a full moon, except 365 days a year. My sons are determined to piss each other off at least three million times by the time dinner arrives and ends. My personality shifts between Mrs. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde. Just depends on their actions and behavior.

By the time bedtime rolls around, I have become Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmations. There is no cheerful Mary Poppins. Jekyll and Hyde have crawled under a rock to hide. The Cruella de Vil me doesn’t start until after explaining/battling my autistic, schizophreniz, mood disorder, hormonal 13 years old why he needs to take a shower every day. The Cruella de Vil me doesn’t start until after explaining/battling my selective hearing eight year old as to why he needs to take a shower, not a bath, AND with soap! Then 8 o’clock rolls around, this is when all electronics get taken away, teeth are brushed, they lay down with lights out and watch tv until 9. Sounds simple right? NOT! This is when everyone wants a drink or something to eat because they’re still hungry! Hungry? (Well, your ass should have eaten all of dinner like I told you to) “Why do I have to brush my teeth every night!?!?!” Because I said so and no one wants to smell nasty ass puppy breath. “I’m not tired. Can I stay up?” No! Go to be for the love of God! I can’t take another moment and need to go back to my side of the house!!!!

At 9 o’clock, Cruella de Vil is still around except her fuse is shorter and her time is precious & limited. I complete the bedtime ritual of turning off the tv, giving them each a hug & kiss, telling them I love them, and high-tailing it to my side of the house, often my bedroom. Most of the time, when I am walking off, my sons are still pleading their case. Mama doesn’t have time for all that! GO TO BED!

Rant over! (HA)

Happy Reading & XoXo,

Mary Poppins, Jekyll, Hyde, De Vil



See the source imageMorning me ^^^

See the source imageDinner time me

See the source imageBedtime me (I don’t smoke though 🙂 )

Another day, another dollar…someone stole my dollar! :-(

They say, “another day, another dollar.” Have any of you received your ‘dollar’? I know that I haven’t. Sigh. Life is definitely a cheap ass. (HA)

Being an Indie Author shouldn’t be about the money…I know. But once you decide to become an “Indie Author”, you have to look for the $$$. Every little penny counts. I remember the days of enjoying to write. However, now I find myself stressing after I have checked sales reports. Then I become depressed. Feel like a failure. And, want to go into hiding. I need to quit doing that. I need to go back to enjoying to write. My life motto is: Everything happens for a reason. I need to remember that ALWAYS.

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts on social media of people feeling the same way I do about their lives. (writing, job, parenting, painting, exercising, etc.) We all need to stop stressing and just enjoy life. We aren’t getting any younger (OMG. I sound like a super old person. HA).

If you could choose one thing to do or one place to go what would it be?

Mine would be skiing or snowboarding. I’ve never been. It’s on my bucket list. I plan on checking this off my list ASAP.

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Happy Reading & XoXo,

S.E.Isaac  <-Facebook Me




Okay. Which one of you lovelies wants to be my damn personal assistant or my children’s nanny? I need one of the two, but preferably both. Sigh.

Living with depression is such a drag. (literally) One minute you’re on top of the world. The next minute, you’re wanting to shove your head into a big thing of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. It’s like a very shitty rollercoaster. I love rollercoasters but this one is shitty. It is like it keeps stopping in the middle of the ride leaving me dangling upside down. Or it stops just as I’m in the middle of the fun drop. (Grrrr.) Either let me have the fun rollercoaster or let me the fuck off. Ya know? Ah. The life of me.


Moving on to better not so shitty topics (HA). The paranormal romance anthology that I am co-coordinating and an author in is kicking ass! It hasn’t released yet, but our FB page is hopping and the pre-orders are rolling in. It makes me smile. A portion of the proceeds is going to the Wounded Warrior Project! As a veteran, this just makes me smile ear to ear. Doing good always feels good. Right? 🙂

To pre-order your copy click this link: This link! 🙂

To join our fun & crazy Facebook Fan Page, click that link: That link 🙂

Don’t let the price of $2.99 scare you. You will be getting 10 paranormal romance stories with each story being 15-20k words in length! Hell, a lot of authors charge this price for just one story! So you are getting 10 for 1 🙂

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Be sure to tell your friends about our anthology and the cause we are supporting (Wounded Warrior Project). I would be forever grateful AND you can have as many cyber cookies as you’d like 😉


Happy Reading & XoXo,


You found it! My giveaway link! Click Here to Find the Goodies

❤ ❤ ❤

Wasn’t a Cake Walk

Probably one of the hardest thing I have had to do was yesterday. I walked my youngest to school, then decided to fight the tears and walk my normal route. You know, the route I usually walked with our dog…before the dog incident, my arms ripped to shreds and him euthanized? Yeah, that route. I had to keep voice messaging my baby cousin to keep me motivated. I wanted to quit a few steps into it. It was so overwhelming. A simple walk had me ready to cry and not because I was out of shape (which I am), but because of the painful happy memories.

us walkNeedless to say, I fought through the emotional drain and surprisingly, I wasn’t dying physically at the end of it. I took a few weeks off, but my body didn’t skip a beat. I ended up doing 3 miles in the morning and then another 3 miles with hubby after he came home from work. It felt great to walk for exercise again. It is always nice to get lost in nature…and the sound of crazy ass mopeds, wannabe street racers, and suped-up dualies. Ah. The joys of living in a city. (Please, note that I do not live in the center or Las Vegas. I actually live on the outskirts by one of the mountain ridges. Could you imagine if I did live in the center? The things I would hear and see! Oh! My!)



This morning! **Yes. That’s a soccer ball. 🙂 **

I walked my youngest to school, today. Since my ankle was feeling funky and my legs were tight, I didn’t keep walking my route, instead, I headed back to the house. However, I still got 1.5 miles in so I will take it ❤



Happy Thursday, Everyone!



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Head there right MEOW!

There are giveaway shenanigans to be had! Head over to my Facebook author page and find Mr. Burns with his mystery gift meme. Enter my giveaway My FB Author Page


THEN…head over to our paranormal romance anthology page & play the ‘hide and seek’ giveaway. Under some of the posts, there are giveaway links hidden! (SQUEEEEL!) Don’t miss out on a chance to win this little guy:




Anthology’s FB Page



Last but not least don’t forget that my baby, Bite of a Lierum, is available now! ❤ It is book 2, but books 1-4 in this series can be read out of order.The last two are sequential books. 🙂 ….oh, and this book is only $0.99 😉


**Genre: Paranormal Romance**


Happy Reading & XoXo’s,


❤ ❤ ❤

Release Day Has Arrived!

Happy Book Birthday to Bite of a Lierum! So glad to welcome this paranormal romance to the world. This series is so much fun ❤