
FREE reads galore!


Lots of FREEBIES (books) within my newsletter! Don’t miss out and check it out. If you honor me by subscribing to my newsletter, I promise to never SPAM you with them. (I also hate being spammed!)


#Books #Romance #SEIsaac #Newsletter #Readers #Mailchimp


My 31% off promo is still going on! Don’t miss out and head to my Etsy page to find your next book cover. 🙂 Use promo code 31CODE at checkout.

Premade Book Cover Promo Offer

In celebration of my mother’s birthday this month (the 31st), I’m doing a promo code offer on my premade book covers. Enter “31CODE” to get 31% off on your online order. I know it sounds like a weird percentage to get off, but it’s a special number to me. (SMILE)

And… another one

Hey, Lovelies! I am still away on vacation. We just had a great family BBQ at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. Was able to catch up with so many people who I haven’t seen in years. It was really nice. I will post pictures soon. I have some up on my social media accounts because it is easier to post on there, but I’ll get some uploaded here on my blog soon!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my FREE book, Maid to Desire! (Part of a standalone series so you can read this book by itself) I am trying to give away 1k FREE copies so feel free to tell your friends & family about my free read. 🙂 I reached 1k FREE books given away of my Claimed by the Taurus! Thank you so much for helping me reach my goal!


Pre-Order, Today!

Book 1-May 10th-ChaShiree M.-Eden’s Sacrifice-

*Book 2-May 12th- S.E. Isaac- Giselle’s Trust (ASIN B08XY3P1WF)*

Book 3-May 14th DC Renee- Savannah’s Savior(ASIN B08XYFRBW3)

Book 4-May 16th- Elisa Leigh – Bianca’s Choice

Book 5-May 18th-M.K. Moore Riley’s Temptation
Universal link:

#Virgins #Smut #Safe #HotAF #Fiction #Unethical #Auctions #InnocenceIsOverrated #EdenAndViktor #Bratva #Filthy #CallingAllSmutAHolics #Series #DCRENEE #SEISAAC #CHASHIREEMOORE #MKMOORE #ELISALEIGH #ComingInMay

FLASH SALE!!!! (PNR read)

Image may contain: 6 people, sunglasses and text
This is a two-story paranormal romance collection with over 93,000
What happens when you are a paranormal single female, who can’t seem to catch a break with finding love? You have your love life intercepted by Lovecroft Cruise lines known for their “find your mate or get your money back” guarantee. Coralee Sue Ellen Devereaux and Samantha Moondove weren’t looking for love; however, that didn’t stop their meddling relatives from taking action and booking cruise tickets on the Mystic Harmony. A paranormal cruise ship filled with paranormal singles and a spunky cruise director, Vikki Lovecroft, who has a perfect track record of connecting those fated to be together.
However,  Coralee and Samantha have set their own itinerary. Coralee intends to use the cruise as a way to explore the world outside the bayou and if she finds her mate without her seven older brothers around, she might actually keep him from running away. Samantha’s itinerary is to use the trip as a fun diversion and to get away from her nagging mother, who thinks Samantha should stop playing hard to get and find her mate.
Will Coralee and Samantha be able to stick to their own itineraries or will they leave the ship with a new relationship status?
#paranormalromance #pnr #books #readers #SALE #OneClick #romance #shifters #vampires #demons #deals #ebooks #bloggers




“Kiss of a Vampire” and “Bite of a Lierum” sister book, “Enchantress’ Tale”, is coming soon! Real soon! ❤ These three books are part of my Fates Intertwined Series and can be read out of order. (Book 4 & 5 cannot.)
#PNR #sales #books #readers #romance #bloggers #romance #vampires
Happy Reading & XoXo,
S. E. Isaac

Survey says…

See the source image

I have become this! Maaaan! Where did my self-discipline go? I use to be so good at staying on tasks, sticking to schedules, and keeping motivated.

I don’t even know, if I can blame my excuse/blah mode on my depression. Is this just how I am now? Maybe it’s because I don’t work anymore or don’t have any friends around…SEE! More excuses. I haven’t worked since last September (due to my son) and I haven’t had a friend live near by since 2013! Sigh. I need to give myself a swift kick in the ass. Like seriously. This is becoming pathetic.

I need to make a schedule for myself. It feels weird to make one, since I don’t work, but I think this is going to be the ONLY way to get my ass back in gear. As long as I can stick to it…even if it’s at least sticking to it ‘somewhat’ with the hopes of one day sticking to it completely (LOL).

In other news…

Still not a famous author. Drats! I had hoped I’d become one by now. (HA!) Those who know me and/or my books, know that I HATE writing long books. When my books start reaching 50k words, I start thinking of ways to kill off all of the characters so I can end it. Which is awkward because I am a ROMANCE author. lol

However, I need to push past 50k. At least try to write another one again that is past 50k. I haven’t done it in a while…an enjoyed it. Time for change. Especially, since I notice that readers of romance seem to like LONGER books. I’m not sure why. Personally, as a reader of romance, longer becomes boring to me. This is probably why I don’t write long books.

What do you guys think? Any of you out there read romance? Do you like LONG stories or are you okay with a Novella. Not too long…not too short…and only $0.99 ?

Happy Reading & XoXo,



In case you are not following me on Facebook:




Author Struggles

Image result for painful truth


I am going to copy + paste my dear friend Josette’s blog posting. Her words put tears in my eyes because it is so true. Being an Indie author is not easy. If you are a reader or even an Indie author, please read this post…






Dear Reader,

I am a self-published, independent author. That means I do every step of the publishing process myself. And, I pay for every part of the publishing process myself. As a newer author, I’m still losing money to do something I love – to write my stories and share them with all of you. My family supports my desire to be an author, but I would love to eventually make more than I spend and contribute to my families income.

A huge part of making my dream of being a successful author come true is having readers buy my books, having readers share about my books, and having readers review my books. My small fan base is comprised of dedicated fans and I have received amazing feedback from them. These are people I did not know before publishing my first novel back in 2014. I appreciate them so much and would love to give back to them by writing more stories, by holding more giveaways, by doing more for them in general. But, to do this I need to do the three things I shared above – sales, reader sharing, and reviews.

As an indie author, I find myself spending more time than I like promoting my own work. This takes away from the time I have to write. And, quite simply drains me to the point that I don’t feel like writing on many occasions. That is why it is so important to have the support of readers.

Now, I’d like to discuss a bit about price. I know for some, money is tight and finding free or $0.99 cent reads is one way they can afford to feed their reading addiction. However, did you ever stop to think about the author who wrote those books? How much do they have invested in their novel? How much do they make off of that novel? Will they be able to continue to write?

I’d like to answer those questions for you. First, how much do we authors have invested in our releases? Well, emotionally – EVERYTHING. Financially, hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars. We have the time invested to write, edit, format, and promote each book. We have the cost of paying someone to edit. Sometimes we even pay someone to format and promote our books. We also have the cost of having a cover created. A cover can cost anywhere from $25 for a pre-made cover to hundreds of dollars for a cover created just for our novel with one of a kind images. So, to make a quality release it can be very costly.

Royalties! The goal of every author is to make money on their work. So, how much do we get paid for those books you purchase? Well, obviously, if a novel is free then we don’t make even a penny. However, for a $0.99 ebook published to Amazon an author makes 30% of the amount you pay – so, $0.29 cents. Now, if we list our novels at $2.99 each, then the percentage goes up to 70% per ebook. Anything under $2.99 receives only 30%. So, for a $2.99 release we can make about $2.00. Now, as a newer author I might sell anywhere from 10 to 50 copies when a book is first released. Let’s go with the higher number. If I sell 50 ebooks at $2.99 each, I’d make about $100. Now, say I paid $25 for a cover, $100 for an editor, $25 for the formatting, and another $100 for promotions (blog tours, giveaways, etc.) So, without figuring in the amount of hours I, as the author, have invested, I have invested $250 in the ebook and have only made $100 back. Do you see how easy it is to lose money in this business?

I’m not writing this letter to ‘whine’ about my low sales numbers or lack of income. I’m writing this letter as someone concerned for the publishing industry. I’ve seen many authors give up on their dream of being a writer because they couldn’t afford to keep going. Personally, I’m in for the long haul, but it would be nice to make it to the next level – to break even.

So, please take a moment to consider the costs that go into that next book purchase. If you enjoy that read, then please take a moment to follow the author, share about their book, participate on their pages and groups, and most importantly, leave a review.

A fellow book addict and author
Josette Reuel



To follow Josette’s blog

Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤