
And… another one

Hey, Lovelies! I am still away on vacation. We just had a great family BBQ at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. Was able to catch up with so many people who I haven’t seen in years. It was really nice. I will post pictures soon. I have some up on my social media accounts because it is easier to post on there, but I’ll get some uploaded here on my blog soon!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my FREE book, Maid to Desire! (Part of a standalone series so you can read this book by itself) I am trying to give away 1k FREE copies so feel free to tell your friends & family about my free read. 🙂 I reached 1k FREE books given away of my Claimed by the Taurus! Thank you so much for helping me reach my goal!


Technology on Earth

Why do pictures taken of the night sky look like something out of the National Inquiry, when they’ve spotted “Big Foot“? However, my selfies hone in on every blemished pore on my face? I want NASA’s camera to take pictures of the moon. Is that too much too ask?

Did you hear last night?

Little ole me was on a podcast! I was super excited and even more nervous. It was something I always wanted to do/try & was finally given the opportunity. I am so thankful to the hosts for having me on their show!

Here’s the link if you’d like to listen and follow the podcast future shows.

Have a great day, Lovelies!


S.E. Isaac

~* What’s up, Doc? *~

Hey, lovelies! Remember me? (HA) Soooo much has happened since before Christmas. Can’t get into the details because I’m still an emotional wreck. 😦 HOWEVER, I have been writing and releasing books. Here’s what’s new from ALL my pen names:








Coming Soon!






resized Boss on Top





love for the holiday




















Bound by you 6x9



On top of the world!

Well, I received awesome news. My paranormal romance book, Enchantress’ Tale, cover is in the running for best cover design. It has made it to the next round, which put me on top of the world. For this round,  if it is ranked less than 100th place, then it moves on to the next round! 🙂 Right now I am in 46th place which keeps me in the running, but there are still five days left for this round. (picture me with a terrified look on my face. lol.)

Enchantress' Tale

The picture above is the beautiful cover that was created by Dark Waters Premade Covers. I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. What are your thoughts? You love it too, right? 🙂

Would you mind stopping by and voting for my book’s cover? (Puppy dog eyes)
#vote #books #readers #bloggers #competition #IndieAuthor #covers #art #graphicdedsigner #weekend #news #entertainment




MM01-ClaudiaStevens-Stuckwithyou“Stuck With You”
Jacqueline Knolls has always dreamed of traveling; however, life had always interfered with those dreams. When her boss gave her an assignment in Montana, she was over the moon with excitement. She was finally getting the chance to leave New York City. Soon she finds herself in Mammoth Winters, Montana, on Calloway Ranch. How hard can it be to hang around for ten days, interview the owner, snap a few pictures and write an article on Calloway Ranch? Harder than Jacqueline thought. Calloway Ranch isn’t owned by just anyone. It is owned by the very sexy Brent Calloway. The man who makes panties drop and hearts break. Will Jacqueline be able to keep her lust at bay, when sparks fly between her and Brent? Or will she give in to her desires and throw all professionalism out the window?


Stuck with you teaser

Two paranormal romance reads for $1.99! :-o

💥 Paranormal Romance Collection Sale’s Alert! 💥


Two paranormal romance authors, Emily Freemen and Selma Alvar, discover that life doesn’t always go as planned and fiction is more than words on a page when they find themselves in the 1950s throwback town of Camden, Michigan.

The two women discover more than the budding publishing careers they’d hoped to create at the Romancing the Mitten book signing when they meet the town’s sexy mechanic, Casper Snojason, and mesmerizing ladies’ man, Kian Lucas Nordin.

Separated and struggling with the strangeness of the small town the girls work to uncover the secrets of Camden while falling deeper for the too-good-to-be-true men.

Now they just need to decide if they need to call for help or remain locked in Camden forever.


Travel to Camden, Michigan in this two-story paranormal romance collection with Emily and Selma and discover the truth of Camden for yourself.

Sneak a Peek!

Final Cover

(My story in this collection)


Emily had just made it to the next corner of the town’s square when the sky opened up. It began to rain cats and dogs. Lightning flashed through the sky. The wind whipped around. She looked over her shoulder and debated running back to the diner or garage. The diner gave her the creeps, and she really didn’t want to wait the rain out with the pompous ass. She was between a rock and a hard place.

“Damn you, Bitching Betty!” Emily turned to head back to the garage. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a gazebo. “Score!”

She took off for the gazebo that rested in the middle of the town square. It would do the trick for now and spare her from going back into the garage.

Emily made a mad dash to her safe haven. She ran up the gazebo’s two steps and came to an abrupt stop. There was somebody already in the gazebo. Her DC shoes slid on the slick wood and she fell backward. The ground never came though. A muscular arm had wrapped around her waist. The smell of Old Spice cologne, aftershave, and peppermint filled her nostrils. It was a weird combination, but something about the aroma made Emily swoon.

“Easy. I gotcha,” a husky masculine voice said. It was one of those voices that could make any woman melt.

“Th… thanks,” she breathed as her hero helped her stand. His arm remained around her waist. She could feel the warmth of his body against her.

She looked up to see the man who was so bold to still have his arm wrapped around her waist. Just like Jughead, he was close to 6’5”. His features were hard to make out because there wasn’t much light. The only light was the light posts’ lighting up the path to the gazebo.

From what she could tell, he had dark hair that was cut short and swept back and off to the side. Unlike the mechanic, mystery man’s face was clean shaved. He was wearing a suit and dress shoes. Emily could tell about his shoes because the lights were gleaming off of them.

“You okay, Miss,” he asked looking down at Emily.

“I am fine. Thanks again.” She took a step back and put some space between them.

“New to town?”
“Not quite. Just passing by once I get Jug… the mechanic to tow my car to town. I can fix it and get back on the road.”

“Ah. I see,” he chuckled. “A woman after my own heart.”

“Excuse me.” Emily couldn’t help but frown at his poor attempt at flirting.

“Fixing cars. Few women know how to do that.”

“In this day and age, women can do a lot of stuff. They don’t need a man,” she proclaimed. She wasn’t even sure why she said it. He hadn’t said anything offensive, yet she felt the need to defend women and their abilities to be independent.

“Yeah. I suppose times would have changed by now.” Changed by now? The man was talking as though he was stuck in the past.

Emily stared out at the rain that still hadn’t let up. The lightning was striking every few seconds. And the thunder was roaring. She doubted the storm would pass anytime soon.


The sudden change in lighting blinded Emily. The man had turned on the lights to the gazebo. When her eyes adjusted to the light, she turned towards the man. What she came face to face with made her heart skip a beat…



Grab your copy of this two-story paranormal romance collection today!

Click Now to Find it at Your Favorite E-book Store!


Happy Reading & XoXo,





~* My Baby *~


Since a child, Annaliese has always watched life from the shadows of the kingdom. Her existence was known to very few. Only those whom the queen trusted most knew of Annaliese and were able to see her. But they weren’t enough for Annaliese. She was lonely and felt like a caged bird within the castle’s walls.

While in the shadows of the kingdom, Annaliese’s path is crossed with Elder Li, the fiercest elder, and warrior in the kingdom. Instantly, she feels an unexplainable connection to him and spends the next few years admiring him from afar.

When Annaliese is finally of age, King Theo calls for a meeting with the Council of Elders to reveal her to the elders and the rest of the kingdom. Annaliese must now come face to face with the man who makes her knees weak and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Will she be able to gain enough nerve to step into the light? Or will she remain in the shadows?