
🔥Who turned up the heat?🔥


Aughbreigh Kelly isn’t the type of woman to take slack from anyone. War changes a person. Aughbreigh was no exception. So, now, she is a woman on a mission- avoid emotional attachments at all costs. SSG(Ret.) Jeff Timmons is a man with a chip on his shoulders. The war made him this way. He went to war and came back not the way he left for it. It took something away from him. Something that he can never get back. Now with a closet full of emotional demons and a grudge against the world he fears getting close to a woman. Aughbreigh and Jeff’s paths cross at a local coffee shop and sparks fly. Will Aughbreigh and Jeff be able to stick to their missions of avoiding emotional attachments? Or will they abort their mission for love?

Happy Reading & XoXo,
S. E. Isaac

Available at multiple e-book stores:





‘Eye Kandy Key’ had a facelift! Welcome to the world, ‘A Life Unlocked’. 

A Life Unlocked

After being invited to an exclusive club by one of her friends, Cordelia finds herself facing more than she signed up for. She is led to a mysterious man who wants to claim her as his own and take her from all she knows. He is giving her twenty-four hours to see the life he has to offer before he claims her on the twenty-fourth hour. Will Cordelia end up in the arms of the mystery man or will she choose a path of her own making?


Cover design by Elinburgedits



!! Attention !!

‼️Attention! Need your help spreading the word‼️
Our anthology is donating all of the proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Need help getting the word out. Can you please share any posts you see about this anthology and its cause? (The other authors are looking for supporters as well, so you may cross a few posts about the anthology throughout social media.)
Not familiar with the Ronald McDonald House Charities? Learn more:

The mission of RMHC is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children and their families. 
Our Vision
A world where all children have access to medical care, and their families are supported and actively involved in their children’s care.”

Example of a post, if you’d like to copy + paste it on your page, in a group, etc.:
A paranormal romance anthology (5 books) is up for pre-order. It is only $0.99 and all of the proceeds are going to the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC).
Link to pre-order from iTunes, B&N, Kobo, and more:


Thank you for your support, lovelies. Have a happy & safe weekend!


S.E. Isaac

Paranormal Romance Anthology

Five paranormal romance stories for only $0.99. Pre-order today!

ALL proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House Charities


Other e-book stores (not Amazon):



Meet the authors:

Me, of course, 🙂

Josette Reuel:

C.A. King:

Crystal St. Clair:

Edward Blackwood:


Stop by our anthology page to keep up to date with the book, the authors, giveaways, and much more.


Have a great week!



Some New Steam for the Bedroom

Jacqueline Knolls has always dreamed of traveling; however, life had always interfered with those dreams. When her boss gave her an assignment in Montana, she was over the moon with excitement. She was finally getting the chance to leave New York City.
Soon she finds herself in Mammoth Winters, Montana, on Calloway Ranch. How hard can it be to hang around for ten days, interview the owner, snap a few pictures and write an article on Calloway Ranch? Harder than Jacqueline thought.
Calloway Ranch isn’t owned by just anyone. It is owned by the very sexy Brent Calloway. The man who makes panties drop and hearts break. Will Jacqueline be able to keep her lust at bay, when sparks fly between her and Brent? Or will she give in to her desires and throw all professionalism out the window?





Bump in the Night!



Since a child, Annaliese has always watched life from the shadows of the kingdom. Her existence was known to very few. Only those whom the queen trusted most knew of Annaliese and were able to see her. But they weren’t enough for Annaliese. She was lonely and felt like a caged bird within the castle’s walls.
While in the shadows of the kingdom, Annaliese’s path is crossed with Elder Li, the fiercest elder, and warrior in the kingdom. Instantly, she feels an unexplainable connection to him and spends the next few years admiring him from afar.
When Annaliese is finally of age, King Theo calls for a meeting with the Council of Elders to reveal her to the elders and the rest of the kingdom. Annaliese must now come face to face with the man who makes her knees weak and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Will she be able to gain enough nerve to step into the light? Or will she remain in the shadows?


Happy Reading & XoXo,
S.E. Isaac

Makeover Thursday

Train_to_AnguishMy baby, Train to Anguish, just had an extreme makeover. She was beautiful the way she was, but she demanded to have a more modern look so I had to give in. 






Train2Anguish-SEISAAC-Cvr3 (1).jpg

Going from the lap of luxury to an all-male war academy, wasn’t something that Kaitlyn Armistice ever imagined for herself. Trapped as a political bargaining chip between her government, the Nevan’s, and the Lynxan government, she finds herself in a scary new world at the Academy of Anguish.

Struggling to control her fears, complete her assigned tasks, and to understand her attraction to her instructors, Kaitlyn forces her focus on succeeding.

When success is finally within her grasp, will Kaitlyn be able to battle her way through the Academy of Anguish, hold on to a budding romance, and win the hearts of her people?


# makeover #Facelift #YA #Fantasy #Adventure #determination #readers #romance #bloggers #FailingNotAnOption ##thursday #news #books #hashtag


Amazon Link:

Other e-book stores:



Happy Thursday! The week is almost over! Hooray!

Happy Reading & XoXo,

S.E. Isaac



Book 3 Has Arrived

Book 3 of my Fates Intertwined Series is here! Paranormal romance, over 80k words, and affordable. Have you grabbed your copy yet? Have you told your friends?

Since a child, Annaliese has always watched life from the shadows of the kingdom. Her existence was known to very few. Only those whom the queen trusted most knew of Annaliese and were able to see her. But they weren’t enough for Annaliese. She was lonely and felt like a caged bird within the castle’s walls.
While in the shadows of the kingdom, Annaliese’s path is crossed with Elder Li, the fiercest elder, and warrior in the kingdom. Instantly, she feels an unexplainable connection to him and spends the next few years admiring him from afar.
When Annaliese is finally of age, King Theo calls for a meeting with the Council of Elders to reveal her to the elders and the rest of the kingdom. Annaliese must now come face to face with the man who makes her knees weak and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Will she be able to gain enough nerve to step into the light? Or will she remain in the shadows?
Enchantress' Tale

Heat Things Up!

Winter may still be around but so is Aughbreigh and Timmons. Let them melt your e-reader and your…Heart. I was going to say heart. 😉

Out On A Limb by S.E.Isaac

Aughbreigh Kelly isn’t the type of woman to take slack from anyone. War changes a person. Aughbreigh was no exception. So, now, she is a woman on a mission- avoid emotional attachments at all costs.

SSG(Ret.) Jeff Timmons is a man with a chip on his shoulders. The war made him this way. He went to war and came back not the way he left for it. It took something away from him. Something that he can never get back. Now with a closet full of emotional demons and a grudge against the world he fears getting close to a woman.

Aughbreigh and Jeff’s paths cross at a local coffee shop and sparks fly. Will Aughbreigh and Jeff be able to stick to their missions of avoiding emotional attachments? Or will they abort their mission for love?







Prepare for Annaliese’s arrival

Short on time, but need your paranormal romance fix? “Kiss of a Vampire” & her sister book, “Bite of a Lierum”, can help you get your fix 😉  (LOL. Seriously.)
#vampires #books #readers #romance #PNR #Monday #paranormal #shifters

Whispering Hills was Adrena’s only escape from the world around her. The one place she could lose herself without a single care. That was until Calleb crossed her path causing a ripple in the balances. One vampire, one Lierum and one fate…Love bites

29939038_2147191148893703_1764908997_nFate has a funny way of crossing the paths of those who are unlikely to meet on their own.

For years, Faith hunted the infected vampires refusing to give up until they no longer existed. Nothing else in life mattered to Faith. Her life was simply to see an end to the rogue vampires. However, Fate had different plans for Faith. This journey that she had chosen was leading her to another purpose in life. 

The life Faith had chosen made her keep most beings away from her, except for a pack of Lierums. They had fought side by side in battles and in the end, an unexpected bond was formed. For once, she wasn’t alone, but there was only one problem. Within this pack of Lierums was Elijah. He was the only being who could ignite feelings within her that she never knew existed.

Faith is ready to flee to escape her feelings and Elijah is prepared to chase her. Will Fate be able to hold on to the reins with its plans for Faith and Elijah or will Faith slip through Fate’s hands?