
FREE reads galore!


Lots of FREEBIES (books) within my newsletter! Don’t miss out and check it out. If you honor me by subscribing to my newsletter, I promise to never SPAM you with them. (I also hate being spammed!)


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My 31% off promo is still going on! Don’t miss out and head to my Etsy page to find your next book cover. 🙂 Use promo code 31CODE at checkout.

Premade Book Cover Promo Offer

In celebration of my mother’s birthday this month (the 31st), I’m doing a promo code offer on my premade book covers. Enter “31CODE” to get 31% off on your online order. I know it sounds like a weird percentage to get off, but it’s a special number to me. (SMILE)

On top of the world!

Well, I received awesome news. My paranormal romance book, Enchantress’ Tale, cover is in the running for best cover design. It has made it to the next round, which put me on top of the world. For this round,  if it is ranked less than 100th place, then it moves on to the next round! 🙂 Right now I am in 46th place which keeps me in the running, but there are still five days left for this round. (picture me with a terrified look on my face. lol.)

Enchantress' Tale

The picture above is the beautiful cover that was created by Dark Waters Premade Covers. I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. What are your thoughts? You love it too, right? 🙂

Would you mind stopping by and voting for my book’s cover? (Puppy dog eyes)
#vote #books #readers #bloggers #competition #IndieAuthor #covers #art #graphicdedsigner #weekend #news #entertainment


‘Eye Kandy Key’ had a facelift! Welcome to the world, ‘A Life Unlocked’. 

A Life Unlocked

After being invited to an exclusive club by one of her friends, Cordelia finds herself facing more than she signed up for. She is led to a mysterious man who wants to claim her as his own and take her from all she knows. He is giving her twenty-four hours to see the life he has to offer before he claims her on the twenty-fourth hour. Will Cordelia end up in the arms of the mystery man or will she choose a path of her own making?


Cover design by Elinburgedits



Do you know a Ginger? I know a Ginger!

Ginger Bio PicGinger Elinburg writes books that are filled with cross genres, but no matter the genre her books are filled with amazing stories. 

Ginger first started writing poems and short stories in middle school. It wasn’t until a few years ago that she looked into getting some of her works published.
When she’s not writing, Ginger enjoys spending time with her husband, Danny, and taking photos of wildlife.

Ginger is a very down to Earth author. She is very approachable and SUPER funny. Every time her and I talk, I always get a chuckle or two out of the conversation (usually more than two…seriously, she is funny!) She is also a person who gives me inspiration. 

Her books are creative, suspenseful, romantic, and have humor spread throughout. (There is usually a feisty female within the pages too) This is how I would describe her as well. Great books! Great author!


You can find her on Facebook Instagram Twitter Snapchat Blog Amazon


Send all questions and inquiries to




I know a lot of readers are skeptical to read a book from an author they are unfamiliar with. That is understandable. Ginger also understands this. That is why her book Wicked Welcome is free. Wicked Welcome is the first book to her Wicked Series. So get a taste of her writing and grab your copy of Wicked Welcome today.



Wicked Welcome (Wicked Series Book 1) by [Elinburg, Ginger]One phone call was all it took to change her life forever.
When Morgan gets the house of her dreams, she never suspected it would become the house from her nightmares.
As strange events begin to unfold, she starts to question her own sanity.
Morgan couldn’t control the shiver that was coursing through her body, as she remembered how her friend, Maddison, had pulled fists full of her own hair out by the roots. By the time they had gotten her restrained, she had nothing left but a bloody scalp with a few clumps of hair hanging on thin strips of flesh.
Morgan shook her head to clear her thoughts. “No, I don’t think I’m crazy.
At least… not yet anyway.”




Always Girl by [Elinburg, Ginger]She’s the one you know you can count on.
The one who will drop everything, just to be by your side when you need her.
The one who answers your calls at three a.m. and never complains.

She’s also the one who lays in bed at night, alone, crying herself to sleep.
The one who swallows her tears before answering your call.
The one who loves beyond reason, even when it hurts her.

She is your Always Girl.

Always Girl




WHISPERED DECEIT by [Elinburg, Ginger]

When she said, ‘I do’, she meant forever.

The man who promised her forever, failed to mention he was already married.

Vicious, full of malicious intent, born with the desire to kill.

Be careful who you share your bed with…
They just might be the last face you see.

Whispered Deceit





As always, Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤




Pampered Princess

Not only is it released into the world, but it has also had a facelift! What can I say, my books no how to pamper themselves. (HA)



The cover was done by my dear friend, fellow author, & business partner, Josette Reuel of Evanlea Publishing & Designs! Company’s Website

I am so in love. ❤ ❤ ❤


<whispers> I’m having another giveaway. Hurry & Enter. Link to the Goods


Happy Weekend, Lovelies!

Leaps & Bounds of Life


Life is about choices. These choices are based on weighing the pros and cons. And sometimes these are just blind leaps and bounds into the unknown. The blind leaps and bounds can be filled with fear. You are trusting life to lead you onto a positive path that will be rewarding. Sometimes life takes a detour and leads you down a snow-covered mountain with an avalanche chugging down the mountain full speed after you to knock you flat on your ass. Even taking the path of least resistance can lead to that same mountain. People often forget that. This is just the reality of life.

Image result for the path of least resistance

With all of that being said, I am proud to have taken a blind leap and bound with my dear friend, fellow author, and now business partner- Josette Reuel. We all have things we excel in. She is amazing in creating the perfect book cover to cover. (i.e. the cover, graphics, editing, formatting, etc.) I, on the other hand, suck at almost all of that. (sad face) However, I am quite diligent and successful at promoting authors & their work. We play well off of each other’s skills, communicate well, and are honest & respectful of each other’s feelings. We are the perfect team!


Evanlea Publishing & Design believes in providing quality services at reasonable prices. Our goal is to help authors publish, promote, and sell their books.

Evanlea’s Bookshelf is our blog. It’s a place dedicated to sharing information related to books, publishing, editing, etc. through the use of two blog pages — Book News, and Spotlight — a Twitter account, and a Facebook page.


If you are an author, who is looking to get a start in the book world; looking to get a book cover, editing, formatting; looking to get swag made or just need help promoting your work, then visit Evanlea Publishing Designs Website.

narrow image

This is a place to show you to a whole new world.
A world of enticing words and emotions.
A place you can connect to books.

At Evanlea’s Bookshelf, we are currently looking for BETA readers, reviewers, and book bloggers. If you are interested in any of these or just want to look at the pretty site that I am working on (Smile), here is the link Evanlea’s Bookshelf Website


Happy Reading and Leaps & Bounds (and…XoXo’s)


❤ ❤ ❤