Archive | June 2019

🔥Who turned up the heat?🔥


Aughbreigh Kelly isn’t the type of woman to take slack from anyone. War changes a person. Aughbreigh was no exception. So, now, she is a woman on a mission- avoid emotional attachments at all costs. SSG(Ret.) Jeff Timmons is a man with a chip on his shoulders. The war made him this way. He went to war and came back not the way he left for it. It took something away from him. Something that he can never get back. Now with a closet full of emotional demons and a grudge against the world he fears getting close to a woman. Aughbreigh and Jeff’s paths cross at a local coffee shop and sparks fly. Will Aughbreigh and Jeff be able to stick to their missions of avoiding emotional attachments? Or will they abort their mission for love?

Happy Reading & XoXo,
S. E. Isaac

Available at multiple e-book stores:




On Sale!

‼️Two stories in one book! Huge word count! Paranormal romance goodies! Steamy! On sale for $1.99‼️
Two paranormal romance authors, Emily Freemen and Selma Alvar, discover that life doesn’t always go as planned and fiction is more than words on a page when they find themselves in the 1950s throwback town of Camden, Michigan. The two women discover more than the budding publishing careers they’d hoped to create at the Romancing the Mitten book signing when they meet the town’s sexy mechanic, Casper Snojason, and mesmerizing ladies’ man, Kian Lucas Nordin. Separated and struggling with the strangeness of the small town the girls work to uncover the secrets of Camden while falling deeper for the too-good-to-be-true men. Now they just need to decide if they need to call for help or remain locked in Camden forever. **** Travel to Camden, Michigan in this two-story paranormal romance collection with Emily and Selma and discover the truth of Camden for yourself.
Happy Reading & XoXo,
S. E. Isaac & Josette Reuel, Author
#paranormalromance #books #readers #bloggers #pnr #romance #estores #ebooks #shifters
**Sharing is caring!**


‘Eye Kandy Key’ had a facelift! Welcome to the world, ‘A Life Unlocked’. 

A Life Unlocked

After being invited to an exclusive club by one of her friends, Cordelia finds herself facing more than she signed up for. She is led to a mysterious man who wants to claim her as his own and take her from all she knows. He is giving her twenty-four hours to see the life he has to offer before he claims her on the twenty-fourth hour. Will Cordelia end up in the arms of the mystery man or will she choose a path of her own making?


Cover design by Elinburgedits



Alaskan Treat

I meant to post this a while ago but I’ve had some family matters going on, so I slacked on posting it sooner. Sorry, Miss Alaskan Moose. (Ha. I’m giving you that nickname from this point forward.)

Miss Alaskan Moose sees all of the cool things in Alaska where she lives. She sends me pictures or posts them on her blog and makes me super jealous. Whenever I get too jealous, she sends me beautiful postcards to share a piece of Alaska with me.

Can’t wait to see this stuff in person 🙂


Grab a book

Paranormal Romance
Since a child, Annaliese has always watched life from the shadows of the kingdom. Her existence was known to very few. Only those whom the queen trusted most knew of Annaliese and were able to see her. But they weren’t enough for Annaliese. She was lonely and felt like a caged bird within the castle’s walls. While in the shadows of the kingdom, Annaliese’s path is crossed with Elder Li, the fiercest elder, and warrior in the kingdom. Instantly, she feels an unexplainable connection to him and spends the next few years admiring him from afar. When Annaliese is finally of age, King Theo calls for a meeting with the Council of Elders to reveal her to the elders and the rest of the kingdom. Annaliese must now come face to face with the man who makes her knees weak and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Will she be able to gain enough nerve to step into the light? Or will she remain in the shadows?

Pre-order Available Now

A paranormal romance collection with heated tales and paths to romance.


Of Luck & Fox Tails by Josette Reuel “Berserker rage and anger controlled abilities land two fated lovers exactly where they need to be — together.”

Run My Way by S.E. Isaac “Brenna is always on the run, but will she change her path and run toward love?”

Red Dot Capers by C.A. King “He was in agreement with his shifter side about one thing: she was much better to play with.”

Reflections by Crystal St.Clair “Own your imperfections then you will love your reflection.”

Beauty & the Badge by Edward Blackwood “Not every wound is visible, but the salve is always the same, a lover’s touch.”



Five paranormal romance stories for only $0.99 and ALL of the proceeds are going to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. That is one heck of a deal! Pre-order your copy today and then tell a friend or two about this charity anthology and where they can pre-order their copy. 🙂








Spice things up





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Take a Peek:


“What?” It was the manliest shriek I had ever heard. “I am not gay!”

“Sorry.” He had made me so upset that I hadn’t considered his feelings about his sexuality. A lot of people still weren’t out in the open because of all the negativity around it. “It’s okay. I won’t tell Daniel. I have lots of gay friends. Your secret is safe with me.”

“I. Am. Not. Gay!” He pushed back from his desk with too much force and the chair tipped back landing him and the chair onto their backs.

“Oh my god. Are you okay?” I asked running around the desk and dropping down to my knees beside him. He was still sitting in his tipped over chair. His eyes were closed.

“I am not gay,” he muttered.

“I won’t bring it up again. Promise.” I held up three fingers in scout’s honor but his eyes were still closed. “Are you okay?”

“No. I’m not okay.”

“Are you bleeding?” My hand began patting over him checking for blood. One of his large hands caught my wrist sending a sensation throughout my core. I bit back a moan that shouldn’t have formed to begin with.

“I’m not gay.” His eyes opened slowly.

“I told you. I won’t tell a soul. Nor will I mention it again. Promise.”

“Jacqueline was it?” I nodded. “I assure you. There isn’t a gay bone in my body.”

“Whatever you say.” He needed to focus on treating his injuries and not worry about giving me excuses about his sexuality. “Do you want me to go grab some ice?”

“You really don’t listen do you?” His hand let go of my wrist and before I could take my next breath, he was sitting up and had an arm around my waist. His body was warm against my bare arms. I could feel his heartbeat pounding against my breasts which were pressed against his chest.

“Um…” My brain couldn’t function properly. Even if I had wanted it to.

“I will give you one warning, Jacqueline,” he said huskily with my name lingering on his tongue. “Call me gay one more time and I’m going to prove to you just how gay I am. Understood?”

“Warning?” My words came out hushed.

“Yes. Warning. One to be exact. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Mmm,” I moaned and sunk my top teeth into my lower lip to keep the moan from getting any louder. Gay or not. The thought of him fucking me turned me on to no end.

“Jacqueline,” he warned reminding me that I was here for business not pleasure.

“Right,” I cleared my throat and tried to stand. His arm was still around my waist. I looked up at him. “Going to let me go? Or am I stuck with you?”

“Haven’t decided yet,” he smirked. Without a second thought, my head leaned forward and against his chest. The moan I thought was at bay, escaped at his words– ‘Haven’t decided yet’. If he kept this up, I was going to decide for him.

It had been over a month since I had sex. A month too long. My body was spooled up tight and there was only so much battery operated boyfriends could do for a lady.

“Maybe I should go.” Before I get fired. I thought.

“Why’s that?”

“You wanted me to. And I’m pretty sure fucking you, in the middle of your office, is grounds for me to be terminated.”

“Only if you tell.” I pulled my head back and looked up at him. He was looking down at me like a wolf would look at its prey. I could only hope the wolf was ready to eat. “Do you want me to show you just how gay I am?”

“Yes,” I breathed with no rationality in sight. ‘Go big or go home,’ they say.

With one swift move, he had me up and bent over the desk. My breasts pressed against the smooth, wooden surface. My knee length dress was now up around my waist revealing my black lacy thong and upper thigh pink bow tattoos.

“Mmm. Absolutely beautiful.” His large, callused hand ran across one side of my ass to the other. My pussy throbbed hard, my back arched and I moaned against the desk. “Do I need to be gentle with you, Jacqueline?”

“No.” Gentle was the last thing I wanted. I needed raw, steamy sex with my screams echoing throughout the entire house. Sex so hard that every piece of furniture would be left in shambles. And we would both be laid out on the floor panting covered in sweat.

“Are you sure?”

“You talk too much,” I groaned looking over my shoulder at him. He was giving me his predator-like gaze again.





Grab your copy today 😉 


Don’t be a scaredy cat… buy all five




A paranormal romance series written by Josette Reuel and myself. Each book can be read as a standalone. 🙂 Although, books #1 and #4 are related to each other. Books #2 and #5 are also related to each other. Book #3 was originally an April’s Fools joke; however, we ended up writing it. Josette Reuel wrote as Fran (the lead woman) and I wrote as Anthony (the lead man). This book was a blast to write.

Hope you will pick up a copy of each book and get lost in the paranormal world of love.

Happy Reading & XoXo,

S.E. Isaac




Dynah Singh fled home at sixteen, no way would she be tied down to some witch or warlock for the rest of her life. Living as a cat was freedom, and she loved it as long as the weather stayed warm and someone left food for her. Then, of course, there was her current predicament — trapped in the pound with yapping dogs and scroungy cats. To add insult to injury, as a black cat which no one wanted, she found herself on death row. If a black cat loving someone didn’t walk in the door in the next hour, her life would be cut short and she might have to admit things might have been better as a warlock’s familiar. Laith Aris had spent his life as an unwanted mediocre warlock-lion hybrid. Hell, he was a rare black lion when he shifted and his magic was sporadic at best. His parents loved him but even they admitted that it might be best if he never mated. Neither species paid him much mind, and he was fine with the situation. He kept to himself mostly, dated humans when lonely — he was a bit of a ladies man in fact — and took care of his bookshop that specialized in rare editions. Everything would be perfect if the damn mice would leave his books alone. Note: Originally published as part of the “A Guide to | Claiming a Scaredy Cat” anthology.




Hideaway Falls was the last place that Zara Nez wanted to be. The reservation filled with her loved ones was once beautiful in her eyes. The beauty no longer there for it was tainted by an ugly beast that she once loved.With each visit, it became harder and harder to hide the pain she felt. A pain of her never forgotten past- Rogue Pezi. It was a love that was supposed to last forever. The love shattered in pieces when Rogue hightailed it from her and never looked back.Now fate has brought them back together by an arranged marriage. Rogue has been chosen by the ancestors to be the next headman to their feline clan. Zara is the only link left to the current headman’s bloodline. Marrying Zara is the only way for Rogue to take his responsibility for the clan. Zara’s desire for Rogue is ignited once more when the two come face to face. After nearly a decade, everything shifts within her. The anger she felt towards him disappears. The coldness melts from her heart. She needs him back in her life. More than ever. However, as usual, Rogue is ready to run from both the responsibilities of being the headman and Zara.Will Zara be able to claim this scaredy cat or will he once again flee?




Fran Mingo had a knack for finding unlovable men. Her flamboyant personality wasn’t a quality that men wanted around for the long haul. The desire to find love, eventually, fizzled for Fran. Leaving just her work to fill her empty heart.
Anthony Leon was known for his disappearing act with the women he dated. Any time a woman hinted at a relationship, he ran. Not that he feared commitment. He just didn’t believe there was one woman out there who could hold his attention for a lifetime.
The tables are about to turn on Anthony when he finds himself yearning for the Maid of Honor at his cousin’s wedding. The beast within him demands he claim her and make her his. Anthony fights to tame his desire and prevent his animal from making her his. Will he succeed at keeping his need at bay? Or will he make a scene and end up being the main event?




Reece Tupoh lived his life in the shadows. A warlock-demon hybrid, both races would prefer him dead. So, with an asshole for a father who cared more about status than family and a mother who couldn’t be bothered with a squalling baby, Reece figured he was better off alone. Then, he’d met his familiar and his mentor who helped him find a rocky peace with who he was. However, he still had to hide himself from everyone, because deep down he knew he was a monster.

Heath — no last name — had been abandoned as a kitten. It wasn’t until his mentor found him he’d learned he was more than a cat. Shifting into his human form for the first time had been a thoroughly shocking experience and not just for him. Familiars were female. Heath wasn’t. Finding his warlock healed some of his deep wounds, but he knew he needed more. He needed his mate.

Ruth Dixon’s mother became pregnant one well-lubricated all hallows eve. Nine months later, Ruth appeared. A serious disappointment, she’d been kicked out of the coven at sixteen. Finding her mentor saved her life because the truth was, Ruth had been ready to find out if the summer lands were real. Thankfully, her mentor had taught her how to harness her power and feed her desires.

Now, several years later, these three misfits are brought together for the reading of their mentor’s will. A will with some interesting caveats which might just change their lives and give them an appointment with love.



Dana went to Hideaway Falls with the intention of seeing her best friend, Zara. What Dana wasn’t expecting was to end up in a ditch full of water with a sexy stranger coming to her rescue. She never thought she would cross paths with a man who could bring every part of her being to life with just one look. However, that’s just what Kane did. Will Hideaway Falls and Kane be part of Dana’s destiny or will they just be a passing moment in time?


!! Attention !!

‼️Attention! Need your help spreading the word‼️
Our anthology is donating all of the proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Need help getting the word out. Can you please share any posts you see about this anthology and its cause? (The other authors are looking for supporters as well, so you may cross a few posts about the anthology throughout social media.)
Not familiar with the Ronald McDonald House Charities? Learn more:

The mission of RMHC is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children and their families. 
Our Vision
A world where all children have access to medical care, and their families are supported and actively involved in their children’s care.”

Example of a post, if you’d like to copy + paste it on your page, in a group, etc.:
A paranormal romance anthology (5 books) is up for pre-order. It is only $0.99 and all of the proceeds are going to the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC).
Link to pre-order from iTunes, B&N, Kobo, and more:


Thank you for your support, lovelies. Have a happy & safe weekend!


S.E. Isaac