For your safety…

For your safety, do not make eye contact with my middle son. **For those who don’t read my blogs usually, he is my son with autism, mood disorder, going through puberty and monitored for schizophrenia.**  Keep your head down. Even an accidental glance can get your head ripped off like T-Rex did in Jurassic Park. If you run into this creature, lower your head and slowly walk backwards to where you came from. Again, avoid eye contact!!!!!

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If the said son engages conversation with you, just agree to whatever so you can quickly escape the room. He is very very emotional the past week. I am not sure what has shifted in his schedule. I know the teacher said they got new students on Monday, but maaaaaaaan, is it really the new students triggering him? He has been hell of wheels. Yesterday, I had to go pick him up after school because he decided to throw a 2-year old, diva tantrum & refused to get on the bus. ( My blood sugar level was high & I was still in my pajamas. Booty shorts and a tank top. Needless to say, I threw a lava-lava on and made my way to school. I am sure I scared those in the office. **Shrugs**)

The time between him finishing getting ready for school until the bus arrived was like walking on eggshells while waiting for a ticking time bomb to go off. He spent about an hour complaining about how much he hated school, which teachers he despised, and why school sucked. I went parent mode and explained why he needed to just deal with it. (I didn’t use those words. Otherwise, I would have needed a spray water filled with holy water) 

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I didn’t realize they actually sold this!!! Comes in different sizes for your convenience.


I am currently sitting on pins and needles waiting for a call from the school. I gave him his medications at 6am instead of 430 am. I am hoping the meds will keep him more relaxed at school. However, last year, I had to do 430 am because he was falling asleep during class. SIGH. It’s never easy. Being a special needs parent is a trial & error (Hell, parenting in general.). Special needs parenting isn’t a cake walk. There are medication trials to see which one is the best fit. Doctor trials to see which one best suits your son. (My son needs a Family Care Provider, Optometrist, Podiatrist, and a Podiatrist specialist for his braces that they are making as we speak) Finding the perfect teacher is like trying to get a Lamborghini for the price of a happy meal at McDonalds. My son is hell on teachers. He has had some amazing teachers, but he doesn’t think so. One of the few he has listened to was 6’5”+, linebacker built, man. But that teacher went on emergency leave so my son got shifted to a new class and my son hasn’t liked school since. (This was last year by the way.) My son does better with tall black male teachers or thick Polynesian women. (I think because usually, they are tough love teachers. My husband is Samoan. My son doesn’t play around with him. lol) But I can’t exactly go to an IEP meeting and request one or the other. People will think I am racist (I am a plus size, biracial woman by the way for those readers just now tuning in), plus it’s hard to come by teachers in special education with those characteristics.

Hopefully, my son mellows out again so that school isn’t dragged through hell because of my son. :-/

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It can only get better right? ❤

Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤

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