Archive | October 2018

Who is crying? I’m not crying. You are.

**Taken from a blog posted by Josette Reuel Find Blog Here**



Going from the lap of luxury to an all-male war academy, wasn’t something that Kaitlyn Armistice ever imagined for herself. Trapped as a political bargaining chip between her government, the Nevan’s, and the Lynxan government, she finds herself in a scary new world at the Academy of Anguish. Struggling to control her fears, complete her assigned tasks, and to understand her attraction to her instructors, Kaitlyn forces her focus on succeeding. When success is finally within her grasp, will Kaitlyn be able to battle her way through the Academy of Anguish, hold on to a budding romance, and win the hearts of her people?


by Josette Reuel
As you know, S.E. Isaac and I are close. We are friends, critique partners, and business partners. However, I want you to understand that what I write in this review is 100% honest. YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK! LOL

My life has been crazy and although I have read several of S.E. Isaac’s books released before we connected, I had put off “Train to Anguish.” I can’t really explain why… maybe it was the fact that I wasn’t really clear on what genre the book was or maybe the fact that I knew how personal this book was for my friend to write, but needless to say, I didn’t read it for months. It just sat on my Kindle. Then, a couple of weeks ago I was on a  plane heading out to Las Vegas where I was going to meet up with S.E. for a writing retreat of sorts. I began the trip writing on my iPad but soon decided that it would be easier to read. I flipped through the books on my Kindle carousel and finally noticed “Train to Anguish.” What better book to read while heading out to see the author of said book.

As I delved into this unique world that appears to be a mesh of the current day United States and medieval Europe, I became engrossed in the life of the heroine of the story, Kaitlyn Armistice. This book is a coming of age, finding your place in the world, dealing with the ravages of war, coping with an abusive past, and finding love story. It really does have everything from laughter to fighting to stolen kisses. The characters were gripping and the world was mesmerizing. That was the best flight I’ve ever had as it flew by and all too soon we were landing. I started reading “Train to Anguish” and didn’t stop until the last word – as I grabbed my bags and traveled to the hotel. And, when I reached that last word my first thought was, “Why the hell didn’t I read this sooner.”

This book may fit in a bunch of sub genres, but who really cares how to categorize it? Just click the button below and go buy your own copy so you can learn why this book amazed me so much with its unique story.”

This seriously made me teary eyed. If my husband hadn’t been sitting across from me at the dining room table when I read it, I would have bawled my eyes out! This was an unexpectant review. I am beaming ear to ear. 

Happy Halloween & XoXo,

Giveaway Alert!

Do you like free stuff? If so, take a look at my giveaway. Two prizes up for grabs:

  1. Ebook copy of my book ‘Train to Anguish’ or ‘Out on a Limb’. (Depends on the heat level you like)
  2. Gift card to Starbucks.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Giveaway Link

Happy Reading &XoXo,


**May the odds be in your favor**



Dear Teachers, I have something to say…

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Dear Teachers,

I have something to say to ALL of you. Brace yourself because this is the brutal truth. I just want to say ‘thank you’ for all of the hard work you do. I become so stressed helping my eight-year-old with his homework. I’d much rather round up a 100 cats and teach them how to juggle. I think it would be easier. You all are amazing! I don’t know how you do it. And you do it five days a week while getting paid less than what you deserve. You all are superheroes. You deserve recognition more than once a year which is Teacher Appreciation Day. No. You should be getting recognized daily! In case no one has told you, today, you are amazing and a superhero.





L-O-V-E Lady Gaga

I suffer from severe depression and anxiety (among other things). It isn’t easy to admit that to society; however, I have learned to not fear what others might say about my mental health disorders. There was a time when I felt that I could be ‘normal’. That I didn’t need to take medication. That was probably one of my worse ideas ever! It nearly cost me everything including my life. Never again. If being on medication means I get to stay alive, then so be it. I am who I am. I will always be who I am. 

Yes, I take medication. Yes, I have a psychiatrist. Yes, I have a psychologist. Yes…I am me.

A book with a cause

With all the negative stuff going on in the world, the authors of A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat are happy to announce some positive news. The anthology price has been change and ALL (Yes, ALL!) of the proceeds will be donated to the wonderful organization Wounded Warrior Project.

If you are unfamiliar as to who & what the Wounded Warrior Project is, please, take a look at their website: Wounded Warrior Project Homepage Link


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Link to Purchase the Anthology



Book Final AprilA collection of ten never before published paranormal romance tales about strong females who struggle to hold on to their scaredy “cat” males. This anthology is full of steamy hijinks that might just melt your eReader.

Follow these lynx, panthers, jaguars, lions, tigers, witches, cu-sith, and familiars as they find love when they’re least expecting it.

**All proceeds are being donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.**




A Guide to Claiming a Scaredy Cat

Caught by Love by Josette Reuel
Distracted by a bad mane day and haywire magic, Laith forgot to hide from love.

A Roar of Her Own by S.E. Isaac
No place to hide, when she’s on the prowl to find love.

Changing His Spots by Catherine Bowman
She captures his unwilling heart with her spirit and her camera.

Hunter’s Moon by Romarin Demetri
Autumn should never have let him go.

Kenya and Her King by Crystal St. Clair
A king only bows down to his queen.

Snowbound by A.M. Cosgrove
He likes the quiet of the woods. She’s looking for some peace of her own. Will they be able to survive the storm that is threatening their solitude?

An Unwanted Rescue by Adalaine Rose
An unwanted rescue breeds an unwanted love.

Herding Cats by Edward Blackwood
Some cats just leave mice on the doorstep, he brought her a whole clowder of trouble.

Tamed by Laura Stapleton
Only the queen of hearts can tame this king of the beasts.

Pride & Flamboyance by S. E. Isaac & Josette Reuel
Ruffled feathers and a wild mane can’t stop love

Buy a Copy Today



Happy Reading & XoXo,


Do you know a Ginger? I know a Ginger!

Ginger Bio PicGinger Elinburg writes books that are filled with cross genres, but no matter the genre her books are filled with amazing stories. 

Ginger first started writing poems and short stories in middle school. It wasn’t until a few years ago that she looked into getting some of her works published.
When she’s not writing, Ginger enjoys spending time with her husband, Danny, and taking photos of wildlife.

Ginger is a very down to Earth author. She is very approachable and SUPER funny. Every time her and I talk, I always get a chuckle or two out of the conversation (usually more than two…seriously, she is funny!) She is also a person who gives me inspiration. 

Her books are creative, suspenseful, romantic, and have humor spread throughout. (There is usually a feisty female within the pages too) This is how I would describe her as well. Great books! Great author!


You can find her on Facebook Instagram Twitter Snapchat Blog Amazon


Send all questions and inquiries to




I know a lot of readers are skeptical to read a book from an author they are unfamiliar with. That is understandable. Ginger also understands this. That is why her book Wicked Welcome is free. Wicked Welcome is the first book to her Wicked Series. So get a taste of her writing and grab your copy of Wicked Welcome today.



Wicked Welcome (Wicked Series Book 1) by [Elinburg, Ginger]One phone call was all it took to change her life forever.
When Morgan gets the house of her dreams, she never suspected it would become the house from her nightmares.
As strange events begin to unfold, she starts to question her own sanity.
Morgan couldn’t control the shiver that was coursing through her body, as she remembered how her friend, Maddison, had pulled fists full of her own hair out by the roots. By the time they had gotten her restrained, she had nothing left but a bloody scalp with a few clumps of hair hanging on thin strips of flesh.
Morgan shook her head to clear her thoughts. “No, I don’t think I’m crazy.
At least… not yet anyway.”




Always Girl by [Elinburg, Ginger]She’s the one you know you can count on.
The one who will drop everything, just to be by your side when you need her.
The one who answers your calls at three a.m. and never complains.

She’s also the one who lays in bed at night, alone, crying herself to sleep.
The one who swallows her tears before answering your call.
The one who loves beyond reason, even when it hurts her.

She is your Always Girl.

Always Girl




WHISPERED DECEIT by [Elinburg, Ginger]

When she said, ‘I do’, she meant forever.

The man who promised her forever, failed to mention he was already married.

Vicious, full of malicious intent, born with the desire to kill.

Be careful who you share your bed with…
They just might be the last face you see.

Whispered Deceit





As always, Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤




Dragons Stole My Heart!

Lately, I have been busy with project after project. I had started reading a book by Josette Reuel called Finding the Dragon (Dasreach Council Novel 1). I usually prefer not to read long books. This book has 364 pages. But honestly, before the end of the first chapter, I knew I wasn’t going to stop reading it. Or so I thought. I had to take a pause so that I could work on a project. I don’t like to read other books, while I am working on writing a current book of my own. So project after project goes by. This book is still sitting back on the shelf (e-shelf). Finally, I catch a break. Pick up the book and did NOT stop reading it until it was done! OMG! I feel robbed by life for not allowing me to read it sooner! Front to back this book is really good.

The storyline is unique in it’s own. There are 13 men, who have been fated a destiny. Kai Darrow is one with a fated destiny. He’s the complete package with handsome, being a gentleman and charming being the top three things to love about him. Did I mention he shifts into a dragon? Yes! A dragon! And, he definitely takes the reader on one hell of a ride!

Kai and his dragon’s destiny becomes to come true, when he crosses paths with Alvena Anderson. She is a lovable character as well. She reminds me of a younger me. The type who loves to read. (I still do) She isn’t as outspoken as most nor does she like to draw attention to herself.  Out of the readers/friends in Book Worms (that’s what they call themselves. A group of women from all over the world who read books, and chat about them & life online.

The Book Worms is what leads Alvena to the smoldering Kai and his dragon. Kai knows that she is the one- his mate. However, Alvena thinks otherwise. I mean, how would you react if your mini vacation ends up with bad guys chasing you and your friends down; big bad sexy men coming to your rescue; ending up having to split up with your friends; are on the run from some heavily armed bad guys; you’re on the run partner is a sexy stranger!?!?! Oh, and he can shift into a dragon, says that you are his mate, and that they needs her. Yeah. It was a whirlwind for Alvena too. I mean, wouldn’t you think you were dreaming or were under a serious heavy duty drug? The bad guys alone would have had me questioning my sanity.

Emotions run wild in this book. You can see the difference in emotions between Kai and Alvena. His confidence and her doubtful self. He is filled with love for her and she thinks he is nuts & just wants to go home.

Then we get to the best part (well, it’s actually all the ‘best part’ to be fair). The steaminess turns up in this book. Like makes a dragon’s breath feel like frostbite. A factor that I like about the author is how she controls the steaminess. Readers with different tastes of heat level in books can all appreciate the way it’s written in this book and enjoy them.

I could go on and on about this book. However, I would end up doing spoilers and that’s no fun for anyone.

I am off to read Accepting the Bear (Dasreach Council Novels Book 2).



For your safety…

For your safety, do not make eye contact with my middle son. **For those who don’t read my blogs usually, he is my son with autism, mood disorder, going through puberty and monitored for schizophrenia.**  Keep your head down. Even an accidental glance can get your head ripped off like T-Rex did in Jurassic Park. If you run into this creature, lower your head and slowly walk backwards to where you came from. Again, avoid eye contact!!!!!

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If the said son engages conversation with you, just agree to whatever so you can quickly escape the room. He is very very emotional the past week. I am not sure what has shifted in his schedule. I know the teacher said they got new students on Monday, but maaaaaaaan, is it really the new students triggering him? He has been hell of wheels. Yesterday, I had to go pick him up after school because he decided to throw a 2-year old, diva tantrum & refused to get on the bus. ( My blood sugar level was high & I was still in my pajamas. Booty shorts and a tank top. Needless to say, I threw a lava-lava on and made my way to school. I am sure I scared those in the office. **Shrugs**)

The time between him finishing getting ready for school until the bus arrived was like walking on eggshells while waiting for a ticking time bomb to go off. He spent about an hour complaining about how much he hated school, which teachers he despised, and why school sucked. I went parent mode and explained why he needed to just deal with it. (I didn’t use those words. Otherwise, I would have needed a spray water filled with holy water) 

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I didn’t realize they actually sold this!!! Comes in different sizes for your convenience.


I am currently sitting on pins and needles waiting for a call from the school. I gave him his medications at 6am instead of 430 am. I am hoping the meds will keep him more relaxed at school. However, last year, I had to do 430 am because he was falling asleep during class. SIGH. It’s never easy. Being a special needs parent is a trial & error (Hell, parenting in general.). Special needs parenting isn’t a cake walk. There are medication trials to see which one is the best fit. Doctor trials to see which one best suits your son. (My son needs a Family Care Provider, Optometrist, Podiatrist, and a Podiatrist specialist for his braces that they are making as we speak) Finding the perfect teacher is like trying to get a Lamborghini for the price of a happy meal at McDonalds. My son is hell on teachers. He has had some amazing teachers, but he doesn’t think so. One of the few he has listened to was 6’5”+, linebacker built, man. But that teacher went on emergency leave so my son got shifted to a new class and my son hasn’t liked school since. (This was last year by the way.) My son does better with tall black male teachers or thick Polynesian women. (I think because usually, they are tough love teachers. My husband is Samoan. My son doesn’t play around with him. lol) But I can’t exactly go to an IEP meeting and request one or the other. People will think I am racist (I am a plus size, biracial woman by the way for those readers just now tuning in), plus it’s hard to come by teachers in special education with those characteristics.

Hopefully, my son mellows out again so that school isn’t dragged through hell because of my son. :-/

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It can only get better right? ❤

Happy Reading & XoXo,


❤ ❤ ❤