<3 Book World <3


United by Books is such a HUGE supporter of the indie author community. The owner is always rooting for authors. I absolutely adore her. If you aren’t already following her, be sure to click the image or link and give the page a follow.

What’s new with me author-wise? Well, my muse and life don’t get along so I haven’t been writing much; however, I need to finish my co-writes. One book is back in my court so I need to work on my chapter. I’m super excited because it is a dark mafia romance. (Read book 1 here: Dangerous Affair) The scene I have to write is a sex scene so I’m not looking forward to that, but I may have it interrupted with the other mafia showing up. Muhahahahaha!

How much do you love me? Probably not at all but that’s okay, I love you still. (LOL) And, since I adore your faces, I will share my cover reveal here first with all of you. It’s a paranormal fantasy romance under my pen name Roxy Ray. I have had this book in the works for over a year but life had taken a toll on my mental health so I had to take a step back from everything. Hopefully, I can overcome my mental health issues and go full swing into the author world again and this time under my own terms. No more “yes” me. If I don’t want to do a series or collaboration, I will politely say “no”. (You guys will have to hold me accountable)

I had so much fun writing this book with Josette Reuel. Super-steamy reverse harem (menage) with bikers and paranormal beings. Such a delicious series!

Three hard men who live on the life-force – blood – of others are pushed to the brink when a tiny human woman crashes into their lives. Will Ginny soften hearts and push them to accept something they never expected to be gifted?

Book 1 (Ginny’s Angels): https://books2read.com/ginnysangels/

This book is one of my true book babies. It is a Hunger Games meets Divergent type book. While I wrote it, it helped me battle my demons from Iraq and Afghanistan. It was such a great outlet for me and I finished writing the book in less than a week. It was such an accomplishment and lifted me out of a dark place. People who read this book often message me and say how amazed they were by it. Those words only help add to my happiness towards the book itself. I’m glad others are able to enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

If you’ve read it, I’d love for you to leave a review or tell others about it. (Smile)

Train to Anguish: https://books2read.com/u/3G9gna

Well, Lovelies, I hope you all are doing well and that nothing but blessings come your way.

Happy Reading & XoXo,

S.E. Isaac


My virtual tip jar. It’s 2024 and I’m a single momma (LOL).

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